"We're not in a place financially to have TWINS -- TWO CHILDREN."

This story and the comments that follow are published at Reddit.

I went into Planned Parenthood today confused and lost as to what decision I was going to make. I’ve been going back and forth all week but wanted to base my decision on this appointment.

The doctor came in and began my vaginal ultrasound and told me I still qualified for abortion, however, there are two sacs. One is 4 weeks 6 days and the other is 5 weeks. She said it seemed to be twins but it was still way too early to tell. I broke down immediately. It was literally a feeling I’ve never felt.

On one hand I felt relieved because it would make my decision easier. I’m 24, a teacher, and my boyfriend and I just renewed separate leases planning to movie in together next year when this one is up.

We’re not in a place financially to have TWINS — TWO CHILDREN.

On the other hand I feel 2 times as bad for terminating two potential lives. Just needed to vent as I am emotionally a wreck.

Comment: I terminated a 7.5 week twin pregnancy on march 11th. My pregnancy was planned, but we couldn’t do twins. Please don’t be hard on yourself. It is a very hard decision to make but please know that you are not a bad person & don’t let anyone make you feel guilty, for whatever choice you choose. You are not doing anything wrong. You will get through this. I am sending you tons of love. <3

Comment: I found out at mine it was a twin pregnancy too. The ultrasound tech asked ‘have you been feeling unwell?’ When I said I’d never felt to sick and I didn’t think I would so early (7 weeks) he said ‘that’s because it’s a twin pregnancy.’

Like you, I broke down sobbing. He was amazing, just said ‘look if you weren’t ready for one you sure as hell aren’t ready for two’ and that really helped.

The emotional side of it being two is a lot (it’s just another shock to deal with on top of an unexpected pregnancy. But the guy I spoke to was right, two is a lot. It’s not a fairytale where you get your ‘dream family’ all in one pregnancy (or at least not for most people), it would be really hard. Especially if you’re not ready even for one.

"Toward the end of the visit she drops a bomb: 'You're having bad nausea so early because it's twins.'"

"I was so overwhelmed and spent weeks trying to figure out how I'd make ends meet."