Explore These Faith Resources
RCRC is a broad-based, national, interfaith movement that brings the moral force of religion to protect and advance reproductive health, choice, rights and justice through education, prophetic witness, pastoral presence and advocacy.
RCRC values and promotes religious liberty which upholds the human and constitutional rights of all people to exercise their conscience to make their own reproductive health decisions without shame and stigma. RCRC challenges systems of oppression and seeks to remove the multiple barriers that impede individuals, especially those in marginalized communities, in accessing comprehensive reproductive health care with respect and dignity.
A Complicated Choice addresses the fact that abortion stigma is ubiquitous, even among those who identify as pro-choice. Bringing the reader along the journeys of those who have had abortions, Rev. Katey Zeh opens up space for the complexities of our reproductive lives, giving voice to the experiences of grief, loss, and healing surrounding abortion experiences.
“We believe that the right to choose on the matter of abortions is a personal decision based on religious, moral, or cultural values and beliefs; it should not be determined for others by special interest groups whether religious or otherwise nor should the government be the enforcing agency for their points of view” (Women’s Rights, 1977).
This resource guide is intended to help Reform sisterhoods, congregations, and individuals mobilize and advocate for reproductive health and rights in their own communities. The suggested list of actions below was written to help kickstart your communities’ advocacy around reproductive issues.
Faith Aloud is dedicated to providing compassionate spiritual and religious support for people in all their decisions about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. We believe that faith can and should be a source of strength and comfort in difficult times.
Faith Aloud provides nonjudgmental spiritual counseling to people across the country on our free, confidential clergy counseling line. Call 1-888-717-5010 to be connected with our specially trained counselors, who are clergy of diverse faith backgrounds and denominations. Our website also features a list of online spiritual resources such as websites, videos, and books that share affirming religious perspectives on pregnancy decision-making and reproductive justice.
Catholics for Choice works to create a world where all women and men are trusted to make moral decisions about their lives. Where the decision to start a family is thoughtful and planned. Where policy makers and advocates are free to support policies that create a more just and compassionate society. Where life-saving health interventions aren’t blocked by sectarian interests. Where abortion is safe, legal and truly accessible, and both contraception and child care are available and affordable.
This pamphlet is for Catholic women who are making the abortion decision. Time and time again, we hear that clinic staff and providers need a resource that uses a pastoral perspective to reach the Catholic women in their clinics. Speaking directly from the Catholic reality of individual conscience and morality in decision-making, this publication affirms Catholic women’s decisions through a solid grounding in our religious tradition.
“No estás sola” un recurso para las mujeres católicas que están tomando la decisión del aborto. Una y otra vez, nos enteramos de que el personal de la clínica y los proveedores necesitan un recurso que utiliza una perspectiva pastoral para llegar a las mujeres católicas en sus clínicas. Hablando directamente de la realidad católica de la conciencia individual y la moral en la toma de decisiones, esta publicación afirma decisiones de las mujeres católicas a través de una base sólida en nuestra tradición religiosa.
Catholics for Choice created this book that features the profiles and stories of 15 professionals who provide abortion services because of their faith. It is a unique resource for clinicians, staff, students and all those involved in the provision of abortion services. Faithful Provides is part of a new multi-year, multi-media campaign to help create a world where stigma and intolerance for abortion provision does not exist.
Catholics for Choice creó este libro que presenta los perfiles e historias de 15 profesionales que brindan servicios de aborto debido a su fe. Es un recurso único para los médicos, el personal, los estudiantes y todos aquellos involucrados en la prestación de servicios de aborto. Faithful Provides es parte de una nueva campaña multimedia de varios años para ayudar a crear un mundo donde el estigma y la intolerancia por la provisión de servicios de aborto no exista.
Numerous Islamic academics and practitioners have written on the topics of reproductive health, family planning and safe abortion. In every context these issues are sensitive and complex, but across the Islamic world we are increasingly seeing an emerging consensus informed by the desire to protect and promote the health of women and children.
Clarifying and amplifying these teachings and interpretations is important to both facilitate the delivery of lifesaving services and to counter some of the prevailing misinformation, stereotyping and assumptions that can prevent people from seeking and receiving care.
To support these efforts we at Marie Stopes International have undertaken a literature review and condensed findings into a format that we hope will be useful for our providers, and the community organizations and policy makers with which we work, bringing in examples and recommendations from religious leaders and healthcare providers.
Here we revisit and contextualize Christian scriptures and find common ground with faith-based leaders. This is important to facilitate access to services and to counter some of the prevailing misinformation, stereotyping and assumptions that can prevent people from seeking and receiving care.
To support these efforts, we at Marie Stopes International have undertaken a literature review and condensed findings into a format that we hope will be useful for our providers, and the community organizations, religious leaders and policy makers with which we work.
This directory lists the current prochoice and reproductive justice elements of organized religion in the United States. It is intended primarily as a resource for those seeking to support these values in light of contemporary legislative and judicial setbacks, and for those seeking fresh approaches toward a better future. If one were looking for the prochoice religious community in the United States, this is a rough map of where to find it.