2 + Abortions Worldwide

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"It's really sad to want something but the timing isn't right."

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I first had my abortion in January 2020, and first one I wasn't sure that I wanted to keep it. Eventually my boyfriend and I agreed to have an abortion.

The second abortion is recent. I was shocked when I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't want to have this abortion, but seeing how my life is, being a contract worker I tried convincing myself that I was going to have this baby, but due to finances and me being the breadwinner at home, I couldn't put this child through hardships of taking care of it.

My boyfriend convinced me not to keep it and not to let my emotions get the best out of me.

At first I really thought I was going to have the baby with or without him, but realising how hard it is to raise a child as a single parent, irrespective of the support of my family, as much as I wanted to keep this child, it was unrealistic of me to bring someone on earth to suffer just like I did without a father in the picture.

It's really sad to want something but the timing isn't right and allowing to do so.

But with counselling we are planning on going, and I really do hope that it will bring peace, as the second abortion I honestly didn't want to have it.