"I wanted to keep my baby but life had other plans for me I guess."
This story was submitted to us.
A year into our relationship, I got pregnant. I think I messed up with my birth control pills.
I was 10 weeks along and my boyfriend at the time was not ready to be a parent . We were both in our early 20s.
I agreed to get an abortion because I thought it would save our relationship. I didn’t think too much of it then.
About 2 years later, same relationship, I got pregnant again , same circumstances with the BC.
At this point it was the beginning of the end of our relationship and I knew for sure this would not have helped the situation.
I shared the news with him. Again, we agreed to have an abortion. I wasn't financially stable. I had just gone back to school and was borderline homeless.
I cried because I felt guilty. I wanted to keep my baby but life had other plans for me I guess.
Today I still think about it, trying to move into a more positive headspace.
I take my BC religiously and I am extra careful these days because I swore that my next pregnancy will be kept.