2 + Abortions Worldwide

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"I don’t see myself bringing a child into the world only for them to suffer just because I’m afraid of what people are going to say."

This story was submitted to us.

I've had 5 abortions. I had my first at 19, my daughter was 10 months old. Me and my baby daddy decided we were not ready for another baby.

The following year I got pregnant again and we decided we just can't have another baby. Same thing the third time.

I had my fourth abortion at 22. I got pregnant by a guy I met after breaking up with my baby daddy. A few months later I was pregnant.

I felt it was too early into the relationship to have a baby and the guy wasn't exactly responsible or stable, and I was doing my second year in university.

I had my 5th and the last abortion when I was 25. I was still fumbling my way through life and didn't know whether I was coming or going. The guy who got me pregnant was in no position to have a baby and neither was I.

From these experiences I've learnt to live with myself and not be ashamed of the decisions I've made.

Societal norms make us believe it’s okay to bear children into poverty. I don’t see myself bringing a child into the world only for them to suffer just because I’m afraid of what people are going to say.

If I feel like I’m not ready for a child, then I’m not ready. I'll never let anyone tell me differently, because when it comes to raising a baby especially with an absent father or no support structure, you really are on your own.

I'm still struggling and my life is not where I'd like it to be right now. I’m going to have another baby once I'm financially stable and mentally ready so I can give him/her the proper love, care and attention they deserve.

To the person who submitted this story — thank you for sharing. This is a generous form of love you have put into the world. The people who need it most will find it, and they will feel seen, heard, understood and respected. You are loved and appreciated.