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"I felt stigma and shame about being pregnant when I didn't want to be."

This story is part of an article that features five different interviews with people about their medication abortion experiences. The story is published at Today.

Kelsea McLain, 36, North Carolina

McLain has had three medication abortions -- the first at the age of 24; the second at 31; the third when she was 34. All three of her medication abortions occurred between 6-8 weeks gestation.

The overwhelming reason for me choosing this method the first time was I wanted the privacy and comfort of the abortion happening at home and I was uncomfortable with the idea of a D&E procedure — it felt invasive and more uncomfortable since I would have to be in stirrups and undergoing a gynecological procedure, which I have never really enjoyed much.

I chose the option for a second time because I was familiar with it and knew what to expect, and the third abortion I decided on a medication abortion mainly for privacy.

My first medication abortion was pretty painful, both emotionally and physically — my partner and I were long distance at the time and he couldn't come to town to be with me through the process. I felt stigma and shame about being pregnant when I didn't want to be, and was self-isolating and attempting to self-manage with herbs due to being unable to afford the procedure and unwilling to disclose my need for an abortion to my family and friends.

When I did finally involve my family and get the medications through my local clinic, it was just a painful abortion process.

The second medication abortion was a completely different experience — I didn't feel shame or stigma around my choice, my partner was by my side, and I had recently joined We Testify and had an amazing community of fellow abortion-having friends who were by my side every step of the way.

The abortion was relatively painless, I barely bled, and I was convinced it didn't work — but it did! It was such a positive, pain-free experience.