Esta historia está publicada en Women on Web.
Si, afecto todo en mi. Pero son desiciones que una toma de acuerdo a la situacion que vive en ese momento, y piensa q no le afectara, pero todo cambia, y hay dias o momentos que te sientes una persona terrible por haber rechazado el regalo de vida que te ofrese Dios.
En cuba el aborto es algo natural por decirlo de un modo. Es gratis y todo tienen acceso. Mi primer aborto fue a los 16, estudiaba y me puse muy mal con los mareos y demas sintomas q me dan horribles. Tenia una relacion con un tonto y mi familia desidio q debia abortar y no fue desicion mia.
Luego a los 21 tube a mi hijo. El regalo mas preciado q me ha dado Dios.
A los 23 me realice mi 2do aborto fue mi decicion pq mi matrimonio con el padre de mi hijo estaba desmoronandose y no me sentia segura.
A mis 27 me realice mi 3er aborto estaba en ecuador con intensiones de emigrar a eua y un embarazo en ese momento tronchaba mis planes de proveerle a mi hijo un futuro mejor asi q regrese a cuba y me practique un aborto.
Mi ultimo aborto fue en los eua y sera el ultimo, sali embarazada de la persona incorrecta en el momento que me tocaba esforzarme para abrirme camino en este pais y traer a mi hijo. El imbesil de mi ex no me apoyo para sacar adelante el embarazo y me pago los gastos del aborto, y acepte porq oense q no podria sola con todo. Soy el sustento de mi hijo y mi abuela. Y la ayuda de mis tias y mi madre. Tengo mucha responsabilidad sobre mis hombros y fui debil.
English Translation:
I have aborted 4 times.
Yes, it affected everything in me. But they are decisions that you make according to the situation you live in that moment, and you think that it will not affect you, but everything changes, and there are days or moments when you feel like a terrible person for having rejected the gift of life that God offers you.
In Cuba, abortion is something natural, so to speak. It is free and all have access.
My first abortion was at 16. I was studying and I got very sick with dizziness and other symptoms that were horrible. I had a relationship with a fool and my family decided that I should have an abortion and it was not my decision.
Then at 21 I had my son. The most precious gift that God has given me.
At 23 I had my 2nd abortion. It was my decision because my marriage with the father of my child was falling apart and I did not feel safe.
At 27 I had my 3rd abortion. I was in Ecuador with the intention of emigrating to the United States and a pregnancy at that time interrupted my plans to provide my son with a better future, so I returned to Cuba and had an abortion.
My last abortion was in the United States and it will be the last. I got pregnant with the wrong person at the time that I had to make an effort to make my way in this country and bring my son.
The imbecile of my ex did not support me to carry out the pregnancy and he paid me the expenses of the abortion, and I accepted because I could not do it alone with everything. I am the breadwinner for my son and my grandmother. And the help of my aunts and my mother. Did the illegality of your abortion affect your feelings?