Mar 2 Mar 2 "A whole lot of love goes into whatever you decide." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Utah, U.S. “The Friday before I sent a text about how I felt guilty, but I also would want my child to be able to have a relationship with the father. He finally responded that,it was my choice, but he would suggest abortion, as he never saw himself having a child with someone he didn’t love fully. This gave me some sort of clarity, and I knew how difficult life would be for the child moving forward.” Read more.
Feb 20 Feb 20 "Neither of us were ready for the commitment or financial strife that a child would bring." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I have had two abortions. One at 19, I had been talking to a recruiter about joining the military and found out that I had gotten pregnant from a college hookup. I had an abortion and joined the Army three months later.” Read more.
Jan 22 Jan 22 "A baby deserves a better chance in life." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “The father is a narcissist who doesn’t care about me or anyone else apart from himself. For the past two years I have been consistently mentally abused — and physically abused twice.” Read more.
Jan 13 Jan 13 "I couldn’t imagine not being able to have the two abortions I had." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, California “I have had two abortions before getting a birth control implant in my arm that works for three years. The first one was fast and easy because I was only a few weeks along. The second was much more traumatic because I was very close to the limit.” Read more.
Jan 2 Jan 2 "It's not pleasant to terminate, but it is the right thing to do when you are in no place to be bringing up a child. Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.K. “On the first one there were protesters outside, but it made no difference to me at all. It is my life, my body, my choice. Never feel bad for making this decision for yourself. Once you have been and had it done, you will feel relief and nothing but gratitude for having been unburdened.” Read more.
Dec 10 Dec 10 "He really did a number on me emotionally, and I was terrified of ever having another child because of it." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, U.S. “I lost custody of my child for a year even after I worked my way off of public assistance! My child’s father dragged me through a custody battle and raked me over the coals as public assistance made it hard to stay in one place. Not dealing with the emotional abuse caused me to fear having another child and then having the baby taken away.” Read more.
Dec 9 Dec 9 " I realized how depressing the idea of keeping the baby was. This is not the life I imagined." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I had an idea of being a family with my boyfriend, moving into a low income apartment with him in our hometown and raising our baby together with our families’ help, living on government assistance and his job, me as a stay at home mom. The thought wasn’t all bad at first, but after a week of thinking this was my future I was just . . . depressed.” Read more.
Dec 4 Dec 4 "I was a senior in college, I couldn’t afford school let alone a baby." Sharing Truth One Abortion, Ohio “I used birth control and we used condoms. My partner left the decision up to me and I made that choice for myself, my future family, and my education.” Read more.
Nov 30 Nov 30 "I’m so, so grateful for my abortions and I will never feel shame." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Unknown “I remember thinking when I was younger how terrifying the idea of abortion was. How taboo it was, morals aside. As I got older, I realized that mindset was only because of what society had instilled in me. Abortions are women’s healthcare and one day they will be normalized!” Read more.
Nov 27 Nov 27 "I was not going to have a child with someone I didn’t even like." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “I never felt the guilt people claim you should feel with the first three abortions. I kind of do now, but I really think it is more about my age and probably the realization that my boyfriend and I are really not on the same page after all this time. I just want people to realize that whatever your reason is, it is always a good reason for you!! And that you might have a completely different reason from one time to the next.” Read more.
Nov 11 Nov 11 "My second abortion was after my then-husband’s failed vasectomy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I had an IUD for several years, then my partner had a vasectomy when we were 41. It failed, I was pregnant, and again it was a straightforward decision for me because I did not want to be a parent.” Read more.
Nov 5 Nov 5 "I just wasn’t ready for the trauma and abuse that man could bring to our lives." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Later Abortion, Location Not Given "My tubes are gone now so I’ll never worry about this again but I look back with sorrow sometimes and I think of my decisions often in today’s world. If I hadn’t chosen abortion or had the right to choose, my son wouldn’t be here. And I don’t know what kind of parent I would have been had at those times of my life. Ultimately I wanted to be the best parent I could. When the time is right, YOU KNOW IT. And when it’s not, you know it too. Trust your heart.” Read more.
Oct 17 Oct 17 "We have decided that now is not the right time to expand our family." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “So in summary, I was in lockdown, not talking to anyone, and burying myself in my thoughts. I felt super super alone and this went on for a VERY long time. Fortunately, I broke down in front of my partner and he helped me stabilize my emotions. After that weekend, I essentially started on a journey of self love and self care. I’m very grateful and fortunate that my experience led me down that path.” Read more.
Oct 6 Oct 6 "Each one saved me, each in a different way." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given Being in charge of how and when I had a baby was vitally important because so much of my fertility seemed random and out of control. And now I have this little person who owes their life to abortion. Read more.
Sep 13 Sep 13 "I didn’t want to be a mother under these circumstances." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I was with an economically unstable man. We had just moved in together – in fact, he was an alcoholic. He said he was recovered but didn’t go to AA or anything. We both had had middle class upbringings, and I knew we couldn’t give the baby that. I was already depressed and feared postpartum depression. I did not want the baby.” Read more.
Aug 2 Aug 2 "I am very grateful that I can make this choice so I can have a healthy, happy pregnancy and child when I am ready." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given We are working through a lot of things, and something I’ve made clear to him is I’m nowhere near ready to have his child after what happened. I may never be and we may not be able to fix what he’s broke. We made a mistake last month, and I took PlanB the following day. Yet here I am, five weeks pregnant. Read more.
Jul 25 Jul 25 "Before making my decision, I looked at myself and everything that was wrong." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I’ve had a few abortions after contraception failed. Not something I feel proud of, but in the essence of trying to be the best version of a mother I could be, I felt they were logical decisions. I have a son that will be four next year. I’m still living with in laws and I am a stay at home mother. It just wasn’t the best timing.” Read more.
Jul 4 Jul 4 "It’s such a personal choice for mostly the woman but for the man as well." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, U.S. “I’m a male who’s been through four abortions with two different women.” Read more.
Jun 8 Jun 8 "My experience with self-managed abortion allowed me to make the best decision for my body and my future on my own terms." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, U.S. My abortion journey began early in the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and was punctuated by four pregnancies that I decided to terminate. I discovered my first pregnancy in March 2020 as a 19-year-old college sophomore in Ohio. I was determined to get an abortion, but bureaucratic hurdles like navigating a maze of waiting periods and clinic closures thwarted my attempts. But with the support of Abortion Fund of Ohio and an appointment I booked “just in case” at a local independent clinic, I got the abortion I wanted. Read more.
May 29 May 29 "Abortion saved my life. It gave me the time I needed to grow up and fix myself." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, U.S. “I knew like no one else can that I had no ability to be a mother as I could hardly function or even think like an adult. In fact the only time I acted with self care in my youth was when I got myself to clinics to get my abortions. After getting free of my addictions, I had two children when I had the stability to care for them and to be a mother. I am proud of myself for knowing when that time was.” Read more.