This story is published as a comment to another story of two abortions at Reddit.
I got two surgical abortions, both around 8 weeks.
I went back and forth for at least a month during both pregnancies.
During my second pregnancy, before I made a final decision, the thought of having an abortion was harder than the thought of keeping the pregnancy.
But eventually I realized how depressing the idea of keeping the baby was.
I cried over both abortions. But luckily I was able to steel myself to make the harder choice in the moment for the long-term life I wanted for myself.
I had an idea of being a family with my boyfriend, moving into a low income apartment with him in our hometown and raising our baby together with our families’ help, living on government assistance and his job, me as a stay at home mom.
The thought wasn’t all bad at first, but after a week of thinking this was my future I was just . . . depressed. I wanted to travel and be independent for much longer. This is not the life I imagined.
It’s okay to be “selfish” and want to keep prioritizing yourself.
I want to finish college, I have two and a half years left. I want to stay in the city I live in instead of moving home for help from family. I want to enjoy being young.
I don’t want to tie myself to my boyfriend forever just in case we don’t last. Any reason is an okay reason. Just make sure you have your own best interest in mind. Don’t make the decision for your partner or family.