Feb 20 Feb 20 "Neither of us were ready for the commitment or financial strife that a child would bring." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I have had two abortions. One at 19, I had been talking to a recruiter about joining the military and found out that I had gotten pregnant from a college hookup. I had an abortion and joined the Army three months later.” Read more.
Dec 9 Dec 9 " I realized how depressing the idea of keeping the baby was. This is not the life I imagined." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I had an idea of being a family with my boyfriend, moving into a low income apartment with him in our hometown and raising our baby together with our families’ help, living on government assistance and his job, me as a stay at home mom. The thought wasn’t all bad at first, but after a week of thinking this was my future I was just . . . depressed.” Read more.
Nov 27 Nov 27 "I was not going to have a child with someone I didn’t even like." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “I never felt the guilt people claim you should feel with the first three abortions. I kind of do now, but I really think it is more about my age and probably the realization that my boyfriend and I are really not on the same page after all this time. I just want people to realize that whatever your reason is, it is always a good reason for you!! And that you might have a completely different reason from one time to the next.” Read more.
Aug 2 Aug 2 "I am very grateful that I can make this choice so I can have a healthy, happy pregnancy and child when I am ready." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given We are working through a lot of things, and something I’ve made clear to him is I’m nowhere near ready to have his child after what happened. I may never be and we may not be able to fix what he’s broke. We made a mistake last month, and I took PlanB the following day. Yet here I am, five weeks pregnant. Read more.
Jul 25 Jul 25 "Before making my decision, I looked at myself and everything that was wrong." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I’ve had a few abortions after contraception failed. Not something I feel proud of, but in the essence of trying to be the best version of a mother I could be, I felt they were logical decisions. I have a son that will be four next year. I’m still living with in laws and I am a stay at home mother. It just wasn’t the best timing.” Read more.
May 8 May 8 "I couldn't stand the thought of having another child with another loser." Sharing Truth Five Abortions, Location Not Given “I have a 4 year old with someone who abused me and isn’t active in my child’s life and had a miscarriage after having my first baby with the same guy. Now I’m with someone whom I love very much.. Has anyone else here had multiple abortions like me??” — One of several replies: “Yes, I've had 3 abortions. It's common to have more than 1 . I mean think about it. Women can get pregnant til they're like 50.” Read more.
May 2 May 2 "In the 10 years between my first born and my youngest, I ended two pregnancies." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I’ve never once regretted those decisions. Had I not, I wouldn’t have carried the one I chose to keep, and she wouldn’t be here. People tell other people they should feel guilty. I only felt relief.” Read more.
Feb 7 Feb 7 "I’m not in a good place despite my endless trying to find a new happiness -- a trap that many women fall into with their abusers." Sharing Truth Six Abortions, Location Not Given “The take away of my story? Abortion is stigmatizing to the point women believe that it will cause infertility. I’ve done medical abortions and one in stirrups surgically. All safe and legal of course, so maybe that’s why I’m still fertile? I just want my own life story to hold out hope for others that it is your body. Abortions don’t make you a horrible person. They are safe — unlike right wingers saying. You still get pregnant after! Even if sometimes you’re still with an asshole man that you know you can’t keep the baby with.” Read more
Feb 6 Feb 6 "Both these last two, contraception has failed, which feels like a massive kick." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “I can’t believe I was that unlucky!! I feel awful but I have two children already and unfortunately there is no way I could afford a third.” Read more.
Dec 18 Dec 18 "I am/was not ready to be a mother both at 18 and newly 23." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “Both were accidents that I will never forget. But I don’t look back on it because I would’ve never given them the future they deserve.” Read more.
Dec 18 Dec 18 "People tell other people they should feel guilty. I only felt relief." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I stupidly got married & had a baby at 18. I was not prepared. If I have any regrets, it’s that I didn’t know what I was doing at that age. In the 10 years between my first born and my youngest, I ended two pregnancies. I’ve never once regretted those decisions.” Read more.
Aug 27 Aug 27 "She asked me 'what brings you here?' I froze not wanting to say the abortion words." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Locations not given “She then said “you’re pregnant and you don’t want to be”. I of course said yes and felt finally understood. The right to have an abortion has given me the right to have a life. It’s given me the right to decide who I have children with and when I have them.” Read more.
Mar 21 Mar 21 "Truth is if I could go back in time I would have chosen the abortion." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I got knocked up in high school my senior year and my parents forced me to keep her. They didn't give me an option for abortion and when I brought up adoption they said I was a terrible mother. I was 19 years old when I had her. My mother had to quit her job and raise her grandchild because I wouldn't. I didn't want to. I don't love her like I should. Love her like a mother should love a daughter. We never got close. I resent her. I hate her father.” Read more.
Feb 23 Feb 23 "I absolutely can not and will not bring a child into total chaos." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “I'm pregnant again about to schedule my third. I do have a daughter but I am going through a divorce from a mentally unstable man. I'm pregnant by the love of my life and I currently do not have a place to stay.” Read more.
Dec 9 Dec 9 "I will never regret my abortions because they made me a better mother." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “My parents didn’t teach me how to be responsible, so I knew there was no way I could take care of a child, until I was ready. Some days I think of what my child(ren) would’ve looked like and how messed up our situation would’ve been had I gone through with the pregnancies. Coming from a broken and dysfunctional family, I never wanted that for my child(ren). “ Read more.
Jun 3 Jun 3 "I will do it again until I can be able to support a child’s life in this world." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I am in med school and it is extremely hard to focus on school and focus on a child as well. I was thinking about my future and having a child at the time just didn’t seem to fit right. So I went on with the plan. Luckily enough I live in an area where abortion is easily accessible and practiced very safely.” Read more.
Apr 16 Apr 16 "I tried all kinds of contraception, some didn’t work, some made me low in mood." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “At school we were shown images of aborted babies as a way of scaring us. The Catholic Church is very much against abortion. Where I live now I was met with respect and no judgement from the the health providers when I went to seek abortion. It’s my secret what I’ve been through, but I don’t regret those decisions.” Read more.
Mar 23 Mar 23 "I was going through a bad divorce, trying to support my son on my own, and dating this new guy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “Everyone should have access to abortion. My life would be so much worse if I had had to birth both children. My son would not have lived the life he lived. The partners involved would not have the lives they have now.” Read more.
Mar 15 Mar 15 "Third and last — I was raped." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “First one, I was in no position to have the baby — I was in grad school, the father was as well, but 3000 miles away; and we were young. Twenty one years old.” Read more.
Feb 17 Feb 17 " I made the choices because I care about the greater good." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I felt that I could not provide for a child under my circumstances and I was supported by the father. It was not an easy decision to make but I do not regret it and I would make the same decision again.” Read more.