All in Four Abortions

My abortion journey began early in the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and was punctuated by four pregnancies that I decided to terminate. I discovered my first pregnancy in March 2020 as a 19-year-old college sophomore in Ohio. I was determined to get an abortion, but bureaucratic hurdles like navigating a maze of waiting periods and clinic closures thwarted my attempts. But with the support of Abortion Fund of Ohio and an appointment I booked “just in case” at a local independent clinic, I got the abortion I wanted. Read more.

“My parents didn’t teach me how to be responsible, so I knew there was no way I could take care of a child, until I was ready. Some days I think of what my child(ren) would’ve looked like and how messed up our situation would’ve been had I gone through with the pregnancies. Coming from a broken and dysfunctional family, I never wanted that for my child(ren). “ Read more.

A person asks, “Has anyone had more than one abortion” in a Reddit forum — and a flood of people respond, sharing their own experiences of more than one accidental or unhealthy pregnancy, and assuring that it’s common and that there is no need to feel shame or fear judgment. Read more.

“The excessive burden of motherhood my great-grandmother carried had plenty of heart-breaking legacy for us all.”

The New York Times ran an article detailing stories of people who had abortions before it was legalized by the now endangered Roe v Wade ruling. Among the comments to the article are these four stories involving people who’ve had more than one abortion. Read more.

“In Cuba, abortion is something natural, so to speak. It is free and all have access. My first abortion was at 16. I was studying and I got very sick with dizziness and other symptoms that were horrible. I had a relationship with a fool and my family decided that I should have an abortion and it was not my decision. Then at 21 I had my son. The most precious gift that God has given me.” Read more.

“En Cuba, el aborto es algo natural, por así decirlo. Es gratis y todos tienen acceso. Mi primer aborto fue a los 16 años. Estaba estudiando y me enfermé mucho con mareos y otros síntomas que eran horribles. Tuve una relación con un tonto y mi familia decidió que debía abortar y no fue mi decisión. Luego, a los 21 tuve a mi hijo. El regalo más precioso que Dios me ha dado ". Leer más."

“I remember reading only one story about a woman who had a medical abortion saying that if she had a positive experience she would share it and so that’s what I’ve decided to do. I’m sharing my story to let others know that it’s okay if you’re not ready to or don’t want to have a child. I’m sharing my story to let others know that a medical abortion for me was not as scary or painful as these other stories I had read about. I’m sharing my story to let others know that they are not alone in having more than one abortion.” Read more.

“I never want children. I want to get my tubes tied but doctors refuse to do this because they believe I will change my mind when I am older. The first time doctors treated me like I didn't have the ability to make a decision for myself. When I told the second doctor that I didn't feel capable of being a parent she offered me counseling and support services, like I might change my mind. The third doctor made me feel like I needed to justify why I wanted it done. The fourth made me feel bad about myself and like I was a horrible person.” Read more.

“After my first abortion I saw several doctors to talk about my options. I had been on the depo shot, but I had adverse effects and had to stop getting it. I wanted to talk about sterilization, of course I was ignored. I was made to believe I just wasn’t old enough to know, that I would change my mind, and 7 years, and 3 abortions later my mind has never wavered.” Read more.

“I had my daughter at age 21. She is the light of my life and the reason for so many things I do. Her dad and I split up after a few years and I jumped into another relationship and got pregnant. I was 25. I wanted to be excited and for a few weeks I was but I knew that having a child with this man was not what was best for me or what I wanted. He had three kids himself and I was still in love with my daughter’s dad. Without him knowing, I had an abortion.” Read more.

“So I recently went out of town with my boyfriend to celebrate my birthday. Things got a little out of hand (consumed a ton of alcohol) and obviously protection wasn’t used. I am now fearing a pregnancy scare and I’ve already made a decision that if I am pregnant that I will terminate. This will be my 4th termination and I honestly feel a little guilty and irresponsible but I’ve tried all birth control methods and I honestly can’t keep up with any of them.” Read more.