All in Location Not Given

“I had an idea of being a family with my boyfriend, moving into a low income apartment with him in our hometown and raising our baby together with our families’ help, living on government assistance and his job, me as a stay at home mom. The thought wasn’t all bad at first, but after a week of thinking this was my future I was just . . . depressed.” Read more.

“I never felt the guilt people claim you should feel with the first three abortions. I kind of do now, but I really think it is more about my age and probably the realization that my boyfriend and I are really not on the same page after all this time. I just want people to realize that whatever your reason is, it is always a good reason for you!! And that you might have a completely different reason from one time to the next.” Read more.

"My tubes are gone now so I’ll never worry about this again but I look back with sorrow sometimes and I think of my decisions often in today’s world. If I hadn’t chosen abortion or had the right to choose, my son wouldn’t be here. And I don’t know what kind of parent I would have been had at those times of my life. Ultimately I wanted to be the best parent I could. When the time is right, YOU KNOW IT. And when it’s not, you know it too. Trust your heart.” Read more.

We are working through a lot of things, and something I’ve made clear to him is I’m nowhere near ready to have his child after what happened. I may never be and we may not be able to fix what he’s broke. We made a mistake last month, and I took PlanB the following day. Yet here I am, five weeks pregnant. Read more.

“I’ve had a few abortions after contraception failed. Not something I feel proud of, but in the essence of trying to be the best version of a mother I could be, I felt they were logical decisions. I have a son that will be four next year. I’m still living with in laws and I am a stay at home mother. It just wasn’t the best timing.” Read more.

“I have a 4 year old with someone who abused me and isn’t active in my child’s life and had a miscarriage after having my first baby with the same guy. Now I’m with someone whom I love very much.. Has anyone else here had multiple abortions like me??” — One of several replies: “Yes, I've had 3 abortions. It's common to have more than 1 . I mean think about it. Women can get pregnant til they're like 50.” Read more.

“The take away of my story? Abortion is stigmatizing to the point women believe that it will cause infertility. I’ve done medical abortions and one in stirrups surgically. All safe and legal of course, so maybe that’s why I’m still fertile? I just want my own life story to hold out hope for others that it is your body. Abortions don’t make you a horrible person. They are safe — unlike right wingers saying. You still get pregnant after! Even if sometimes you’re still with an asshole man that you know you can’t keep the baby with.” Read more

“I never thought teenage pregnancy could happen to me until it did. The first time, I was 17. I was in high school, using an IUD for birth control, and with a boy who spent his time smoking weed and playing video games. I didn’t want him to be my baby’s father. I was already undergoing depression, constantly skipping school, with the wrong crowd, and I knew this was the time to prioritize myself.” Read more.

“The abortion at 39 was harder. I felt I “knew” most women my age would be thrilled to be pregnant. I felt it would be my last chance to be pregnant. I was with an economically unstable man. We had just moved in together. He said he was recovered but didn’t go to AA or anything. I was already depressed and feared postpartum depression. I did not want the baby.” Read more.