Jun 1 Jun 1 "The ultrasound tech starts her process and I hear some of the scariest words I’ve ever heard in my life: 'Looks like there’s two!' " Sharing Truth One Abortion, Twins “Going through all of this has opened our eyes to all of the complications and intricacies that go along with abortion. I have a newfound appreciation for a woman’s right to choose because there are so many factors that might lead to making the decision that I found myself making. I never thought I’d have to make that decision. NEVER. But here I am.” Read more.
Jan 31 Jan 31 "The doctor told me that if I had them, I could die in childbirth." ~ "El médico me dijo que si los tenía, podría morir en el parto". Sharing Truth One Abortion, Twins, Mexico, English/Spanish “I felt that the world was coming down on me, maternal feelings arrived. But I became more conscious and I knew that this was not the right way, I decided that I would not have them despite everything, counting that my family would not even support me, and my boyfriend is still very immature.” Read more.“Sentí que el mundo se me venía encima, llegaban los sentimientos maternales. Pero me volví más consciente y supe que ese no era el camino correcto, decidí que no los tendría a pesar de todo, contando que mi familia ni siquiera me apoyaría, y mi novio aún es muy inmaduro ”. Lee mas.