"Toward the end of the visit she drops a bomb: 'You're having bad nausea so early because it's twins.'"

This story is published at Reddit.

I was dead set on my decision on getting this procedure done and practically begged to get it done as soon as possible because I could not bare the idea of going further along.

I went in on Thursday confident in my decision. Then towards the end of the visit she drops a bomb. "Normally women don't want to hear about the pregnancy, but I thought you should know you're having bad nausea so early because it's twins."

I was and still am in shock. Twins don't run in my family. Why is she telling me this???

I have now been thinking about this detail for the past 2 days. Crying. Feeling so angry. When I think about the procedure on Monday I no longer feel confident in my decision. I feel dread. Obviously I was not excited but I was looking forward to it being over so I can move on.

Am I wrong for feeling it was cruel for her to tell me details about the pregnancy? I feel so torn. Maybe that was what she wanted.


I will 100% be going in for my surgical abortion tomorrow morning. I'll be having a Mirena inserted right after the procedure is over. Hopefully it won't be too much at once. Thank you so much for those who were supportive. It brought back my confidence and it just means so much to me. I've been an emotional wreck!

Today I had a surgical abortion. (This follow up is posted at Reddit.)

Today I woke up at 5:55 am. I could hardly sleep because how stressed I felt about this day. I even dreamt I overslept which made me very frazzled this morning. Anyway, I got the two pills (Cytotec) the doctor gave me to put as high up my vagina as I could. She told me it's good to lie down 10-30 minutes after, I only managed 10. After that I took a shower, I was told not to apply any makeup, moisturizers, nail polish or jewelry. I hate the feeling of not using moisturizer after a shower.

Anyway my boyfriend and I got ready, I got in my clean grey sweat suit and I'm pretty sure I resembled someone from Orange Is The New Black lol (its so comfortable.)

We got there late because some construction threw us off a bit but it was all fine. The sweetest nurses greeted me. Showed me to my bed. Asked me general questions and made me feel settled. They really helped me feel calm.

At around 8 am someone came down to take me upstairs for surgery. She took me to the operating room where about 6 people introduced themselves to me. That was weird. They did give me some oxygen before giving my anesthesia because my heart rate was quite high. A nurse told me to think of something that made me happy and before I knew it I was drifting off.

I woke up in another room, though I could still smell that strange smell of the sterile operating room. They monitored me there for about 10 minutes before sending me back to where the sweet nurses were.

There they gave me juice and a piece of toast. I definitely had some cramping but nothing terrible. A nurse told me its normal for me to have bleeding right away because I had the Mirena inserted right after the procedure. They encouraged me to sleep so I did. I had a 2 hour nap! After I woke up they needed to make sure I went pee.

No menstrual cups, no tampons, no baths, and wait about 2 weeks before having sex. They gave me a pamphlet with informations on the do's and don't. Also what is not normal and when to call.

My boyfriend came back at the perfect time. Gave me a loving hug and kiss. He asked if there was anything he could get me. I read another story about a woman who got a cinnamon roll after her procedure so it's all I wanted lol.

Its now 12 hours since I woke up from anesthesia and I feel relief its over. I did the right thing for our family (we have two kids, 3 and 8) All my worry and stress about our future is gone because nothing has changed..

I know this is a long read and I'm not the best writer. When I was waiting for this day I got comfort in reading these stories from other women. As much details as possible as what it could be like. Hopefully I brought comfort to someone who needs it ♡

"When all I wanted and needed was my family and friends to support me, they were absent."

"We're not in a place financially to have TWINS -- TWO CHILDREN."