"In no way do I feel guilty, though the grief remains with me."

This story is in a downloadable booklet from My Body, My Life.

I have had two abortions. For me, both were sad experiences, but I will always defend my right to a safe termination and in no way do I feel guilty, though the grief remains with me.

The second termination was for a very much wanted girl who was found to have Edwards Syndrome (described as “incompatible with life”). After much, deep thought I took the decision that it was kinder to her to have her life brought to a close while still tiny rather than either be stillborn or die a few days after birth.

It was heart-breaking for me, but I am certain it was the best outcome for her, the most humane, to protect her from future pain.

Some people may find this shocking - but it’s none of their business. My great-grandmother died of an illegal abortion in 1901. My grandpa was an orphan at 18 months old. Safe abortion should be a woman’s choice and right.


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"I have never regretted having the abortions."

"All the nurses were really lovely."