"I felt like the most relieved, blissful person in the world afterwards."

This story is published at Shout Your Abortion.

I’m sitting here waiting for the time to pass at work before I take my 2nd round of pills by medical abortion. I’m definitely scared. I know this is what I need to do though. I’m 23 and I am not financially nor emotionally ready to raise a child.

But on a different note, I’ve already done this twice before. But those times I had surgical abortions.

Growing up you’re taught that it’s sooo morally wrong. It’s a taboo topic and you think nobody does this.

Well, when you just turned 18 and your boyfriend moves to a different state to be with another girl, it’s really the only option.

I was terrified. I was pregnant???? No . . . couldn’t be! My friend took me to the clinic and stood by my decision. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her. I was an emotional wreck. They almost postponed the appointment because they thought I was unsure.

No I knew what I had to do, I was just going through a lot. My (ex) boyfriend didn’t care, wasn’t replying to me, all around terrible guy. So I was basically having a panic attack in the waiting room.

Once we went through all the counseling and education I was brought into the procedure room. Again, I was terrified. I had no idea what to expect. They hooked up an IV and gave me drugs and man, I felt good. I swear I was laughing the whole time. And honestly it was probably more scarring for my friend sitting beside me holding my hand.

It was a good experience. I don’t even recall if anything hurt. I felt like the most relieved, blissful person in the world afterwards and to this day I can’t imagine life being the other way around. I am so happy with my decision.

My second abortion was also surgical. This was a few years after my first one. I was about 20, with a guy I wasn’t dating and we both agreed this was the right path.



He needed some convincing, but I was 100% sure. I honestly didn’t see a future with him, but he supported me in my decision.

We went to the same Planned Parenthood as the first and I knew what to expect so I really wasn’t too nervous. He knew about the first one, too. We waited together, went through all the same steps, and finally I was taken back into the surgical room.

Now . . . I don’t know if the laws changed with sedation/medications or what, but I knew from the jump they didn’t sedate me very well. I felt the numbing shot in my cervix (not pleasant whatsoever), so after that I’m like okay it’s numbed, should be better.

NO. Okay, I really don’t want to scare anyone because I would do it over again in a heartbeat, but this time it hurt a bit worse. I was crying and it felt very crampy (I am also a wimp with pain). I think I definitely scarred this guy that came with me.

But afterwards, same feeling, extreme relief. I am not pregnant anymore. This guy is now engaged to a girl and I have a boyfriend who I love, and there’s no baby complicating things. It’s like you have your dreams back and there’s not a cloud blocking your sun.

So now, like I said, I’m waiting for the 24 hours to be up so I can take my 2nd round of pills. I’ve been reading everyone’s abortion stories and it’s made me feel so at ease even though I’m so scared.

Right now I am 6 weeks, and I’m hoping my experience is similar to those who posted saying it’s basically a heavy period. I’ve had a good experience so far with the first pill, no nausea or spotting, so I have my fingers crossed.

I may upload a new story once this passes so others can know that it is not the end of the world. I also just want to add that if you feel like this is the right option for you, or you do not want children yet, PLEASE…. please highly consider it.

I do not regret a single thing. I would be pregnant with my 3rd child right now and that’s exhausting to even think about. I want to continue my education. I want to travel with my boyfriend.

I promise that it’s not always feelings of grief and loss (although that’s okay), but more of a wake up call surrounded by relief and excitement for the future.

"I was too young and irresponsible and I would not have been a good mother."

"A lot of women I've spoken to have also had more than one and this is not uncommon."