2 + Abortions Worldwide

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"It would be completely unfair to bring another child into the current environment."

This story was submitted to us.

When I was 18, I was in an unstable naive relationship, full of heartache and confusion. I found out I was pregnant, hid it from the world and it was the easiest decision I made as I was not in the situation or relationship for me.

Second time round I am 34, I’m trying to be more open about my plans but seem to be met with society pressure because I’m a happily married woman.

But. . . and here’s the but . . . our circumstances and situations despite our strength as a couple are met with great difficulty.

I have two step kids full time both with special educational needs, work and financial pressures, and life is a mess.

It would be completely unfair to bring another child into the current environment.

This is the short version, but I have my reasons.

Some people are supportive and others very challenging and I just want support not a battle when me and my husband have already made that decision.

For me, this not a no forever and that it will never happen, just a no right now.