"I don't want to have children until I am able to support them."

This story comes from Personal Stories shared at FWHC.

I'm visiting your web page for the first time and I have to tell you it has brought back a lot of memories. I have read most of the stories you have and feel like I want to share mine if you deem it helpful.

My name is LeeAnna. I understand the emptiness and pain of having abortions. You see, I've had four. I was only 17 when I had the first one and very scared and alone. The second was when I was 19, the third when I was 20, and the fourth when I was 21.

I have always been determined to do better then my parents have. Neither of them have an education and having their first child at 20, they have always struggled. I don't want to have children until I am able to support them.

I was using a form of birth control each time I conceived, so I wasn't irresponsible, just unlucky. I have an unbelievable amount of guilt from these abortions, but I know I made the right decision. I will graduate with a bachelors next May, the first in my family. I am also the first in my family to be 23 and have no children. And that was my decision.




"We both decided that we didn't want any children."

"I had two sons and was a single mother."