"I had a bad childhood and have no family, and I don’t want to continue my genetics on to another person."
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I’ve had 2 abortions.
My first pregnancy at 21 was during the pandemic with a long term partner.
I remember sobbing on the bathroom floor when I saw the positive tests, and I thought life was over.
Partner was supportive but ultimately pushed hard for my abortion. I was not opposed to it, and wanted to do it, but I found myself growing a huge attachment to my unborn fetus.
Also, we told a lot more people the first time. I don’t think that helped me at all. I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone the second time.
The first procedure went smoother than my second. Both were surgical, and I just slept all day and bled for one day and I was good to go.
The second time was just a few days ago. I am 24 and with a different long term partner.
When I found out, I was upset, but immediately knew I needed to terminate.
I’m living in a basement, I’m poor and can barely take care of myself.
I found I grew some attachment for a brief couple of days, but ultimately, this procedure was much easier emotionally. I don’t regret it or feel like I made a mistake.
I don’t even think about it, and while I was pregnant I often forgot I was, whereas last time it was all I could think about.
In conclusion, the second time was way smoother. The procedure however was a bit different. I’m still bleeding after a week and pregnancy symptoms aren’t wearing off as fast.
Overall, I needed both of these abortions for a reason. I had a bad childhood and have no family, and I don’t want to continue my genetics on to another person.
The idea of having a child is nice, but I know I’d never do it.