2 + Abortions Worldwide

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"It’s such a personal choice for mostly the woman but for the man as well."

This story was submitted to us.

I’m a male who’s been through four abortions with two different women. I’m much older now but still feel the pain of those decisions.

It’s hard not to use the wisdom and financial security I have now to possibly make a difference choice. I did the best I could at that time under the circumstances.

It’s sad and hurtful abortion has become some religious and political hot potato. It’s such a personal choice for mostly the woman but for the man as well.

I find it so hurtful when someone can tell you what you need to do without extending support beyond just their telling.

Publisher’s Note:

Non-stigmatizing stories of abortions from men are rare yet needed. Click here to see the few stories from men that we’ve been able to collect. Consider asking the men in your life to share their own supportive stories.