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“Why couldn’t I, Mona Eltahawy, a woman born in Egypt to a Muslim family, write an essay under my own name, in which I say openly and without shame that I have had two abortions, that I am glad I had those two abortions and that had I become pregnant again I would have had another abortion because I did not want to have children? Why have I been able to risk my safety and my life by writing articles about a military-backed regime but I could not write about my abortions?” Read more.

"The hardest part of that whole day wasn't the procedure,” says Amanda Palmer, “it was actually the walk from the car to the clinic where I had to walk the gauntlet of angry, rageful, judgmental protestors." Says Alyssa Milano, “I was raised Catholic and was suddenly put in conflict with my faith — a faith I was coming to realize empowered only men to make every single decision of what was allowed and what was not allowed. I had a career and a future and potential.” Listen.

Actress and author Karrine Steffans talks about how the stigma of having three abortions silenced her, prevented her from seeking help from her own trusted gynecologist, and caused fear of returning to him to have a baby. “I know he’ll ask why I didn’t come to him, and I know I might be afraid to admit that I didn’t want him to think less of me — because that’s just silly, isn’t it?” Click the green title to read more.

“What having two terminations doesn’t mean is that I am a stupid person, that I am useless, that I should be shunned by society, suffer punishment or live the rest of my life in a state of trauma. It also doesn’t mean that I don’t deserve to be loved. It was not easy for me to accept that. I have made these judgements about myself, consciously or unconsciously, at one time or another, in the five years following my terminations. I don’t want you to do the same.” Click the green title to read more.