Dec 29 Dec 29 "I cannot be the mother I want to be at this point in my life." Sharing Truth One abortion, 16 Weeks, Canada “This has been the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I feel guilt, sadness, grief, relief all at once and unconditional love for this baby at the same time. I didn’t think feeling all of these emotions at once was possible until now.” Read more.
Sep 10 Sep 10 "I was sixteen and dating an awful guy. My parents hated him. I was terrified to tell them, and kept it from them as long as I could." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, 15 weeks & 1st Trimester “I was unsure how I felt at the time. “But I love him!” I tried to convince myself. Then my mom shared her abortion story with me. We drove out of state because my mom wanted me to have access to a better clinic than the local one. We got a hotel, and went out for pizza. It was a strange but necessary bonding experience. I still to this day thank my mom. She saved me.” Read more.
Jul 14 Jul 14 "We have to trust our instincts were correct." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 20 Weeks, U.S. “But the point in having kids is to try and create the kindest version of these little humans, love them, guide them, and we felt we just weren’t ready to do that and that’s ok. Because it’s a huge responsibility.” Read more.
Nov 9 Nov 9 "I thank God that we didn't have a baby that forced us to live a life we didn't want." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, 2nd Trimester, 15 and 16 weeks “I went through a second trimester abortion knowing that I would NEVER do that again, but eleven years later and I ended up doing the exact same thing, and yet I don't regret either one of them. I am thankful I had the choice, and I hope all women will always have that same choice.” Read more.
Mar 8 Mar 8 "A part of me wanted this pregnancy even though I knew abortion was the right choice." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Later Abortions, 13 Weeks, 2nd Trimester, Mexico “I was farther along than they had thought (13 weeks) so I had to have extra sedation to be relaxed enough for the procedure. The drugs made me fall asleep and I don't remember much. My boyfriend was able to stay in the operating room with me so he held my hand and woke me up when it was over. I was relieved not to be pregnant but also felt regret.” Read more.