Dec 29 Dec 29 "I cannot be the mother I want to be at this point in my life." Sharing Truth One abortion, 16 Weeks, Canada “This has been the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I feel guilt, sadness, grief, relief all at once and unconditional love for this baby at the same time. I didn’t think feeling all of these emotions at once was possible until now.” Read more.
Jul 14 Jul 14 "We have to trust our instincts were correct." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 20 Weeks, U.S. “But the point in having kids is to try and create the kindest version of these little humans, love them, guide them, and we felt we just weren’t ready to do that and that’s ok. Because it’s a huge responsibility.” Read more.
May 18 May 18 "It was a very brave example of me choosing long-term freedom over long-term suffering." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 16 Weeks “There’s just no way of speaking honestly about this experience without acknowledging — Yes, I believe I ended a life. Yes, I believe that was the most generous and responsible choice that I could make under those circumstances. Yes, I am devastated by what I lost. Yes, I am grateful every day for this life of freedom and agency that I gained.” Read more.
Apr 25 Apr 25 "I didn’t know I was pregnant. I was shocked to my core." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 19 weeks “I’m unmarried — which in the religion I practise in is a major thing. I am a 22-year-old Muslim girl and the worst thing I could dream of, happened to me. Yes I was conscious in the choices I made with my partner but I didn’t think this would happen. I called up the healthcare option available in my country and was able to secure a D&E appointment within a week. I travelled to another city to have the procedure. I was alone and no one with me to hold my hand.” Read more.
Dec 1 Dec 1 "I went back and forth with my decision for weeks." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 17 Weeks “The doctor and the nurse inside the room were so patient with me and so nice. They lit essential oils and rubbed my head and my arms to relax me and really tried to comfort me the best they could. Honestly, if it weren’t for that, I probably wouldn’t have been able to go through with it. Once they got me to calm down enough, they administered the sedation medicine and that’s the last thing i remember.” Read more.
Oct 14 Oct 14 "I ended my pregnancy because I wanted to protect the wellbeing of my baby from this man." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 14 Weeks “The first thing he said to me after we found out was, “I’ll need to know everyone you’re seeing from now on.” It became very clear, very quickly that this wasn’t about having a baby for him. It was about having control over my life. He then admitted to a number of things he felt I should know. The less complex included the other women he had been seeing during our relationship and had relentlessly lied about. He cheats on everyone, so this wasn’t a shock. But then he told me about his past arrest for sexual assault.” Read more.
Sep 22 Sep 22 "The tech said, 'You're further along than we thought.' I was in shock." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 14 Weeks “Three weeks went by and I decided to buy a pregnancy test on Amazon. I woke up early on a Sunday morning to take it. I was shaking as I opened the package. I peed on the stick and WHAM. It took about one second to read POSITIVE. I realized then that I was SUPER pregnant. I knew instantly the path I wanted to take and I started researching abortions online.” Read more.
Aug 22 Aug 22 "I regret letting people manipulate me." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 22 Weeks “Days went by and I was so depressed. I turned to my best friend not knowing she was against it. She told her older sister who sent me fake horrifying pics of aborted babies. I turned to my mom. She said she was gonna stop talking to me if I ever think about abortion. I turned to one of my coworkers hoping I would get a different response from her, she gave me a speech. Soon after the guy’s family started calling me congratulating me since he had told them. I cried and cried my family found out. Everyone wanted this. Except for me.” Read more.
Aug 11 Aug 11 "I did this out of pure love. I couldn't provide a good life." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 22 Weeks “I did a ton of research and panicked seeing that some women get pregnant on the pill and don’t find out for a while. I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t say the words out loud and was scared to tell my boyfriend cause I felt like it was my fault and I was doing this to him. I suffered in silence in a whirlwind of depression and crippling anxiety.” Read more.
Jul 30 Jul 30 "For almost 4 months I sat in denial of my pregnancy all alone." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 20 Weeks “I was too young at 20 and believe I am still too young. So I made it happen. If I would have waited just a few more weeks, I would have been ineligible in my state to have an abortion. I am so thankful for God’s timing and the resources and bravery he bestowed upon me in order for my successful abortion.” Read more.
Jun 23 Jun 23 "One year later, I still know it was the right choice." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, Twins, 14 Weeks “I had all the symptoms. I should have known. But I didn’t have insurance. I took two pregnancy tests weeks apart, only to return negative both times. I went to the OBGYN while I was home only a few weeks ago. She said the IUD I’ve had for years was fine. I probably had an ulcer. It must be stress. No, maybe it’s GI issues..” Read more.