Aug 22 Aug 22 "I regret letting people manipulate me." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 22 Weeks “Days went by and I was so depressed. I turned to my best friend not knowing she was against it. She told her older sister who sent me fake horrifying pics of aborted babies. I turned to my mom. She said she was gonna stop talking to me if I ever think about abortion. I turned to one of my coworkers hoping I would get a different response from her, she gave me a speech. Soon after the guy’s family started calling me congratulating me since he had told them. I cried and cried my family found out. Everyone wanted this. Except for me.” Read more.
Aug 11 Aug 11 "I did this out of pure love. I couldn't provide a good life." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 22 Weeks “I did a ton of research and panicked seeing that some women get pregnant on the pill and don’t find out for a while. I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t say the words out loud and was scared to tell my boyfriend cause I felt like it was my fault and I was doing this to him. I suffered in silence in a whirlwind of depression and crippling anxiety.” Read more.