Oct 14 Oct 14 "I ended my pregnancy because I wanted to protect the wellbeing of my baby from this man." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 14 Weeks “The first thing he said to me after we found out was, “I’ll need to know everyone you’re seeing from now on.” It became very clear, very quickly that this wasn’t about having a baby for him. It was about having control over my life. He then admitted to a number of things he felt I should know. The less complex included the other women he had been seeing during our relationship and had relentlessly lied about. He cheats on everyone, so this wasn’t a shock. But then he told me about his past arrest for sexual assault.” Read more.
Sep 22 Sep 22 "The tech said, 'You're further along than we thought.' I was in shock." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 14 Weeks “Three weeks went by and I decided to buy a pregnancy test on Amazon. I woke up early on a Sunday morning to take it. I was shaking as I opened the package. I peed on the stick and WHAM. It took about one second to read POSITIVE. I realized then that I was SUPER pregnant. I knew instantly the path I wanted to take and I started researching abortions online.” Read more.
Jun 23 Jun 23 "One year later, I still know it was the right choice." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, Twins, 14 Weeks “I had all the symptoms. I should have known. But I didn’t have insurance. I took two pregnancy tests weeks apart, only to return negative both times. I went to the OBGYN while I was home only a few weeks ago. She said the IUD I’ve had for years was fine. I probably had an ulcer. It must be stress. No, maybe it’s GI issues..” Read more.
Oct 8 Oct 8 "Test results confirmed that our baby had a significant likelihood of having some kind of abnormality that would likely cause him to suffer." Sharing Truth Later Abortions, 2nd Trimester, 14 Weeks, 18 Weeks, U.S. “My husband and I faced pregnancy loss a total of four times. We terminated two very wanted pregnancies — one at 14 weeks and one at 18 weeks. And years after delivering our living son, I miscarried twice. While still stigmatized, miscarriage is the more palatable kind of pregnancy loss that might generate sympathy and condolences. However, termination for medical reasons (TFMR) usually carries stigma and shame that run so deep, you have to either whisper it or justify your choice.” Read more.