All tagged Abortion with pills

My abortion journey began early in the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and was punctuated by four pregnancies that I decided to terminate. I discovered my first pregnancy in March 2020 as a 19-year-old college sophomore in Ohio. I was determined to get an abortion, but bureaucratic hurdles like navigating a maze of waiting periods and clinic closures thwarted my attempts. But with the support of Abortion Fund of Ohio and an appointment I booked “just in case” at a local independent clinic, I got the abortion I wanted. Read more.

“I didn't have any trauma, I bought the pills. And I did it. I found out I was pregnant within a few weeks, when I started having symptoms. I was afraid. My partner is younger than me and I had no way out. I have done it before. Previously I did it because I was alone and I was not prepared. This time it was out of fear, because I have a family that depends on me financially speaking.” Read more.

“No tuve ningún trauma, compré las pastillas. Y lo hice. Descubrí que estaba embarazada a las pocas semanas, cuando comencé a tener síntomas. Tenía miedo. Mi pareja es más joven que yo y no tenía salida. Lo he hecho antes. Anteriormente lo hacía porque estaba solo y no estaba preparado. Esta vez fue por miedo, porque tengo una familia que depende de mí económicamente hablando ”. Leer más.