Sep 13 Sep 13 "It’s considered to be my fault, even though he secretly removed the condom." ~~ "Se considera que es mi culpa, a pesar de que secretamente se quitó el condón". Sharing Truth Two Abortions, El Salvador, Spanish/English “I do not regret it. I will be eternally and wrongly judged a slut and murderer in my country, however the guy who raped me is out there raping others. With my second abortion, I never took a pregnancy test, I just aborted without having proof that I was and I don't care, I don't care. It’s love for myself, and my neighbor. I will not bring children to suffer in this dire world.” Read more.“Cuando mi hija tenía 2 años, volví a quedar embarazada. Le dije a mi madre de inmediato. Mi madre me ayudó. Así que todo volvió a la normalidad. Sentí un gran alivio. Pasaron unos años y en 2016 volví a enfrentarme a esta situación con mi actual novio. Había cambiado el anticonceptivo y el otro todavía no estaba funcionando, creo. Para mí fue el mismo sentimiento de hace cuatro años. Me asusté por completo, pensando Dios mío, mi universidad, mis planes, mi situación financiera en esta crisis. No perdí el tiempo ". Lee mas.
Jul 2 Jul 2 "I want to share my experience of having a medication abortion, compared to a surgical abortion I had 5 years ago." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.K. “I'd also like to say that my second pregnancy was due to failed contraception. I had the Mirena coil fitted, which was still in place at the time I found out I was pregnant, so even when you're being as responsible as possible, pregnancy can still happen and you can't beat yourself up about it. “ Read More.
Jun 28 Jun 28 "I am the controller of my life and not a pawn in a political debate." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “I think a true monster is someone who has a child and abandons it, leaving the child to feel damaged and discarded. I believe the current US regulations on legal abortion are an unnecessary burden to women based on price, time and loss of dignity. I feel that the government has more control over my body than I do. I truly grieve for the millions of women in other countries who do not have 1/100th of the freedoms that I have. I was sure and confident about all of my decisions.” Read more.
Jun 8 Jun 8 "I hate the feeling of my body being out of my control or taken over by something I don't want." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Australia “I never want children. I want to get my tubes tied but doctors refuse to do this because they believe I will change my mind when I am older. The first time doctors treated me like I didn't have the ability to make a decision for myself. When I told the second doctor that I didn't feel capable of being a parent she offered me counseling and support services, like I might change my mind. The third doctor made me feel like I needed to justify why I wanted it done. The fourth made me feel bad about myself and like I was a horrible person.” Read more.