Nov 27 Nov 27 "If I could go back, I would tell my 19-year-old self that it’s okay, and that I was not doing anything shameful or wrong." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “When our child was around two years old, I got pregnant for the third time. We simply knew we did not want any more children, and it was quite honestly an easy decision for me to choose a medical abortion. I still didn’t have a lot of emotional support, but I was fortunately in a safe living situation this time around, and had learned a lot more about sexual health through social media.” Read more.
Oct 19 Oct 19 "I spent my childhood looking after my younger siblings and saw my mom struggle as a single parent on a low income my whole life. I vowed to never be like that." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Multiple Abortions, Locations not given “I accidentally got pregnant and had an abortion during the pandemic. It was pretty traumatic but I was instantly relieved. Since then I’ve gone on to get my bachelors and masters degree. When I think of my future, I envision freedom, adventure and peace of mind. Two years later, here I am again with another unwanted pregnancy.” This story includes supportive comments from others who’ve had more than one abortion. Read more.
Oct 4 Oct 4 "I had gotten my failed IUD replaced. I felt safe. I wasn’t safe from unwanted pregnancy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I never thought teenage pregnancy could happen to me until it did. The first time, I was 17. I was in high school, using an IUD for birth control, and with a boy who spent his time smoking weed and playing video games. I didn’t want him to be my baby’s father. I was already undergoing depression, constantly skipping school, with the wrong crowd, and I knew this was the time to prioritize myself.” Read more.
Sep 21 Sep 21 "He was an alcoholic. I didn’t want to be a mother under these circumstances." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “The abortion at 39 was harder. I felt I “knew” most women my age would be thrilled to be pregnant. I felt it would be my last chance to be pregnant. I was with an economically unstable man. We had just moved in together. He said he was recovered but didn’t go to AA or anything. I was already depressed and feared postpartum depression. I did not want the baby.” Read more.
Sep 6 Sep 6 "I was married, the mother of two girls, and found myself with another unplanned pregnancy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, California, Texas “We had a very emotional conversation that day, and my mom had the ultimate courage on telling me about her two abortions. My mom was 17 when she had her first abortion, she had me when she was 21, and she had her second abortion at 26. This was something I never knew about, and it was something she never talked about, but that conversation helped me in making my choice.” Read more.
Aug 27 Aug 27 "She asked me 'what brings you here?' I froze not wanting to say the abortion words." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Locations not given “She then said “you’re pregnant and you don’t want to be”. I of course said yes and felt finally understood. The right to have an abortion has given me the right to have a life. It’s given me the right to decide who I have children with and when I have them.” Read more.
Aug 2 Aug 2 "I had a bad childhood and have no family, and I don’t want to continue my genetics on to another person." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “I am 24 and with a different long term partner. When I found out, I was upset, but immediately knew I needed to terminate. I’m living in a basement, I’m poor and can barely take care of myself. I found I grew some attachment for a brief couple of days, but ultimately, this procedure was much easier emotionally. I don’t regret it or feel like I made a mistake.” Read more.
Jul 30 Jul 30 "We had a complete birth control fail and there you go." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “I’m still spinning over the fact it happened again, despite precautions. That part is hard. There is still pain this time around, and I’m trying not to avoid it. I sit with it and I accept it -that’s something I learned. However, there is no shame. I know that abortion is normal, it is necessary and we need to change society to nurture people as they go through this process.” Read more.
Jul 30 Jul 30 "I am interested in hearing from women in their 40s without children who've had abortions and might be worried that because of their age this might be ‘the last shot'. " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Multiple Abortions, Locations not given “I had my second abortion at age 42 and did have a moment of pause about it being likely my last chance to have a child. When I considered what I wanted my life to look like, and what I would want a child’s life to look like, they simply didn’t match up. I wasn’t in a place where I was willing to make the life changes needed to raise a child. I think every child born should be an intentional choice. People should be REALLY sure they want to give all that it takes to raise and support a thoughtful, kind human before having a baby.” Read more.
Jul 13 Jul 13 "I got pregnant for the first time when I had just turned 18, I was 2 weeks into my first year at university." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.K. “I found out I am pregnant again. I am 19 years old now, 20 in a few weeks. I don't have any hesitation towards it, but at least last time I was living away from home. Now I am living with my parents and brothers, and it is so hard knowing how disappointed they would be if they ever knew. I don't regret anything I have done or am doing, but it doesn't make it any easier.” Read more.
Jul 3 Jul 3 "Due to my troublesome childhood I had decided years ago that I would never want to be a mother." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “Lucky for me, the procedure worked, even though I was so early in my pregnancy. I was relieved and thankful that I had the privilege of having the option to terminate. Fast forward to now. I haven’t been nauseous but my breasts have been extremely tender. I woke up this morning, 1 day before my expected period, knowing I needed to take a test. Sure enough, pregnant again. The appointment has been made, I will be terminating this pregnancy as well.” Read more.
Jun 22 Jun 22 "Growing up, abortion was only ever discussed by my mom in very hushed tones- as though just speaking about it was shameful in itself." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Florida, New York “A friend recently reminded me that shame dies in the light. So many of us have either had or know someone who has had an abortion and yet we still struggle and keep our stories in the dark. Sharing this isn’t easy for me either, but I hope my story might help someone else cast off that suffocating shame or stand taller, speak up and speak out.” Read more.
Jun 9 Jun 9 "My husband and I used both condoms and birth control pills at the same time." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “It is a decision that isn’t lightly made and after weighing all the options, becomes the best one for that person. I do not regret having the two abortions even though I am plenty thankful for my child that I have now.” Read more.
May 11 May 11 "Due to my severe fear of pregnancy and birth I couldn’t go through with it." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.K. “I have had two abortions and the most heartbreaking thing of all is that they were planned pregnancies but due to my severe fear of pregnancy and birth I couldn’t go through with it. There needs to be more awareness and support around the condition of Tokophobia and often it really does come down to continuing with a pregnancy and letting your mental health drastically suffer, or to terminate and look after yourself.” Read more.
May 7 May 7 "The timing of this was just not correct for us." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “Despite being on consistent birth control, a pregnancy test — let’s be real, 6 pregnancy tests — confirmed I was pregnant. After a few days of going back and forth on what to do, we finally agreed that we did not have the bandwidth to raise a baby. It was a difficult but necessary choice that I still have no regrets about. I think my body knew the pregnancy was wrong for me.” Read more.
Mar 29 Mar 29 "I did IVF to become a single mother by choice. Reality struck me during pregnancy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Australia “He left a few weeks later and a few weeks after that I found out I was pregnant. At the start I was determined to keep it but I felt in no way ready to be a single mum and made the hard choice at 36 to have an abortion. Fast foward a year, I did IVF to become a single mother by choice. I didn’t want him to be the reason I didn’t have kids and I was still missing the baby I gave up. Read more.
Mar 28 Mar 28 "I do not feel any pain, or any sense of loss. I can only feel gratitude that I had the freedom to make this decision." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “MY heart goes out to anyone who wanted pro-abortion support, but was left without the love and respect that they needed. There is absolutely no chance at equality without abortion. My heart aches to think about the people who are located in places where abortion is illegal or inaccessible. People have always had abortions and always will. I hope that one day any person can access abortion based on one reason: Whether or not they wish to be pregnant.” Read more.
Mar 1 Mar 1 "Fast forward another 2 weeks and I am now pregnant again, immediately after an abortion." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, North of Ireland “I was absolutely devastated! Initially I felt so ashamed, so stupid and selfish that I could allow this to happen twice in concession. But then I had a strong word with myself . . . I was a woman seeking intimacy with a man also seeking intimacy, there's no shame in that. Unfortunately our chosen method of contraception failed to protect us from falling pregnant.” Read more.
Feb 13 Feb 13 "I am here to share my grandmothers’ — yes, both — of their abortion stories." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, One Abortion, Locations not given “Neither one of my grandmas were traumatized in any way, and neither one of them had a worse life because of it. In fact, their lives are better. Two separate women, separate lives and families. I would not be here today without those abortions, and I’m grateful they both felt safe to tell me and others their stories.” Read more.
Jan 21 Jan 21 "I’d do it again if I had to because it’s what's best for me at this time in my life." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Pennsylvania “I am devastated but I feel in my gut that I made the right choice for ME. I am not financially stable and I want so much more for myself with my career.” Read more.