Nov 20 Nov 20 "My clock is ticking at 36, but I would still rather have a child with someone I love and want to be with." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “The first one, I was 20 and had a one night stand. I wanted to keep it and was set to, but the guy was set on convincing me otherwise. The winning line was, "Don't you want to have a child with someone you love or at least know?’ “ Read more.
Nov 14 Nov 14 "I couldn't imagine myself AND innocent lives being attached to my ex." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Minnesota, U.S. “I knew I made the right decision immediately, but that didn't make his comments less hurtful or mean I didn't stay up all night thinking about the words he'd called me. I'm so happy I stood up for myself and did what I needed regardless of the manipulation tactics he'd attempted.” Read more.
Nov 7 Nov 7 "My abortions saved me." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Texas, U.S. “He routinely told me he wanted to get me pregnant and that he couldn’t wait until we could have a baby. And one day it happened, my period was late and I took a pregnancy test and it confirmed my fears. I was pregnant. I told my boyfriend at the time and he blew up at me. Incredibly angry and volatile, telling me he couldn’t have a baby right now.” Read more.
Oct 26 Oct 26 "I don't feel ready for a baby." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “My first abortion I was 21 and had to do it cause my ex was so abusive. My second I was 24 and I had to do it cause I was in college and the guy couldn't afford to take care of me and the baby.” Read more.
Aug 4 Aug 4 "I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been mentally and physically as of today. All because I had a choice. " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “Ten years ago I had my first medication abortion. It was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made. We were about to move out together, I lost my job, he had gotten a demotion, and we just knew we weren’t ready. It was that simple. No regrets other than not talking about it MORE.” Read more.
Jun 30 Jun 30 "I was back in school two days later and I was thrilled to not be pregnant!" Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “At 19 I became pregnant for the second time. I didn’t immediately know what I wanted to do, but eventually I decided to have an abortion. I just didn’t want to be a parent yet. This abortion happened a bit later into the pregnancy and was more painful than my first. But again, I was so glad to have been able to make the choice not to be pregnant or have an unwanted child.” Read more.
Jun 5 Jun 5 "I knew this was the worst possible environment that I could bring a child into." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Massachusetts, California, U.S. “Making the decision to have an abortion is a complex and quiet calculus. Even when it feels uncomplicated, there are nuances. As a woman of color, I grew up like with so much stigma around not being an unwed teenage mother. Now that I'm older I wonder why I got so fixated on there being only one way –married—to have kids.” Read more.
May 15 May 15 "We never really ever forget, it will always be part of us, but we can move on and learn how to love ourselves the way we should." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Arizona, U.S. “After talking to him , he refused to be a father. It didn’t matter how much I knew him, had memories with him, he just refused because he liked how his life was without children. But why did I have to pay for that pain? Anyway, I didn’t want to be a single mother of 2 kids so I had a surgical abortion.” Read more.
May 9 May 9 "These are tears of relief. You have no idea, this is a massive relief." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “That abortion gave me the time to meet the person I am spending the rest of my life with, and eventually have our daughter. When our daughter was 5, we wanted to give her a sibling. I was 37 at the time and experienced a number of losses before getting pregnant again. We told everyone — we were so excited — and then at 13 weeks the doctors found chromosomal abnormalities.” Read more.
Mar 28 Mar 28 "When I told him I was pregnant he screamed at me for two hours as I cowered on the couch." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, California, U.S. “My third abortion was only a few years later, in a new relationship with a good guy. He was a hard no and I just wasn't going to have and raise a child by myself that the child's father didn't want. That was the hardest one. But it was still the right choice. I wanted my child to be wanted and loved and at least start its life with a stable home.” Read more.
Mar 21 Mar 21 "I felt stigma and shame about being pregnant when I didn't want to be." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, North Carolina, U.S. “The second medication abortion was a completely different experience — I didn't feel shame or stigma around my choice, my partner was by my side, and I had recently joined We Testify and had an amazing community of fellow abortion-having friends who were by my side every step of the way.” Read more.
Feb 6 Feb 6 "The nurses were empathetic, but the physician who did two of these abortions said that 'three is too many.' " Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “I felt incredibly lucky. As a college student before becoming a physician, I had worked in a public hospital in Arequipa, Peru, where women were brought when they had unfinished "illegal" abortions. They were denounced by the healthcare providers because it was illegal and they often were not given any pain medicines. And they had many horrible, long-term consequences, including infections, infertility, chronic pain.” Read more.
Jan 29 Jan 29 "Not wanting to be tied for life to an abuser, I once again chose to end the pregnancy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, North Carolina, U.S. “Both of my abortions were uneventful. I got an appointment, I went to the facility, and then I left. There were no looky-loos, no screaming protestors, no gruesome signs, and most importantly, no trauma and NO REGRETS!!!” Read more.
Jan 23 Jan 23 "My great-grandmother gave birth to eight children and aborted four." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Four Abortions, U.S. “The excessive burden of motherhood my great-grandmother carried had plenty of heart-breaking legacy for us all.”The New York Times ran an article detailing stories of people who had abortions before it was legalized by the now endangered Roe v Wade ruling. Among the comments to the article are these four stories involving people who’ve had more than one abortion. Read more.
Jan 10 Jan 10 "Having an unwanted pregnancy is an overwhelming and emotionally draining experience." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “Some people might say you are not responsible or that a real woman would find a way. The truth is that a real woman will assess her situation and consider every one involved in her situation and be strong enough to make a decision that she will be judged for and live with for the rest of her life regardless of which path she chooses.” Read more.
Dec 21 Dec 21 "I just don’t feel ready, not one bit." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Florida, U.S. “I had my first abortion at 20 years old. I told myself that if I ever got pregnant again I will not get another abortion. I didn’t think I would get pregnant this time around, it’s something that I wasn’t even thinking of.” Read more.
Dec 20 Dec 20 "The only shame I feel today is the shame of staying quiet publicly about my experience." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “I am one of the lucky ones – I had access to abortion, I could afford them, and I knew I wouldn’t have to face any extreme consequences for my abortions. Many people are not as lucky, and I realized today that my silence has contributed to the culture war we are facing where so many of us just stay quiet.” Read more.
Nov 29 Nov 29 "I've never been ashamed of having more than one abortion." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “I like children, but am not sure I need to have one myself or on my own. I would maybe consider it if I was in the right relationship, but it is not an overwhelming need for me. My last abortion I was in a relationship, but it was unstable. I did not want to be tied for the rest of my life to a man that had that many issues.” Read more.
Oct 24 Oct 24 "Sometimes loving a baby means choosing not to bring it into chaos." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Utah, U.S. “I made the decision each time, but especially the third time, out of complete willingness to do what was best for the baby and also for myself. It still haunts me, daily, the sadness and regret, but the lists were so terribly unequalized. It was the right choice even though it wasn’t the easy choice.” Read more.
Oct 8 Oct 8 "I have never written about my abortions before." ~ Journalist Mona Eltahawy Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Egypt, U.S. “Why couldn’t I, Mona Eltahawy, a woman born in Egypt to a Muslim family, write an essay under my own name, in which I say openly and without shame that I have had two abortions, that I am glad I had those two abortions and that had I become pregnant again I would have had another abortion because I did not want to have children? Why have I been able to risk my safety and my life by writing articles about a military-backed regime but I could not write about my abortions?” Read more.