“Late in my life, I learned that my mother had five abortions, when it was illegal, and later three children.” Click the green title to read more.
“Late in my life, I learned that my mother had five abortions, when it was illegal, and later three children.” Click the green title to read more.
“Neither man was capable of being a committed father-parent & I think children deserve to have two loving parents. Is it any wonder that I chose to abort?” Click the green title to read more.
“I've regretted the pregnancies, but not the abortions.” Click the green title to read more.
“Two terminations for my own reasons, discussed with my partner, but my decisions ultimately; no regrets, and three healthy, beloved, well-cared for children later, I am positive that those were absolutely the right decisions.“ Click the green title to read more.
“I have had an abortion. Twice. Age 13 and 15. I was a child doing grown-up things in childish ways. They called me book-smart but lacking common sense. Who at 13 and 15 has common sense?” Click the green title to read more.
“I'm grateful for the compassionate medical care I received both times--and for a partner who agreed at age 48 to get a vasectomy.” Click the green title to read more.
“At no time did the fathers ever know. It was none of their business.” Click the green title to read more.
“That was my first abortion, and no I don't regret it and never did. I had two more abortions, both were from having un-protected sex yes I'm one of those people they talk about who are careless, and I just happen to be extremely fertile.” Click the green title to read more.
“It's understood in our constitution that women are independent adults entitled with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, whatever that means to them. That means that if I feel that carrying a fetus to term impinges on my life and liberty, then I have a right to terminate my pregnancy.” Click the green title to read more.
“The second pregnancy occurred as a result of rape by a stranger, a month after the previous abortion. I was traumatized by the rape and felt terrible about having another abortion so soon after the first one, but there was no doubt in my mind that it was the right thing to do. “ Click the green title to read more.
“My BC methods failed, or I failed to use them properly. Or both. But none of this was a reason for me to be burdened with raising children for 20+ years, in a nation even then strongly averse to assisting mothers with heath care, education, food & housing support, etc.” Click the green title to read more.
“So many people assume that the decision to have an abortion is heavy, but for me it was simply a medical choice. I didn't want children, and there was no heartache about the situation.” Click the green title to read more.
“Today at 66 years of age I don't have to worry about getting pregnant. I can't imagine a world where this option is taken away.” Click the green title to read more.
“My husband passed away when I was 32 and while it still makes me sad, I don’t regret the choice I made and I was grateful to have the choice.” Click the green title to read more.
“My way of living and being had essentially become self-destructive. Abuse can make a different person out of you. A person that even you yourself fail to recognise. After undergoing three abortions in a very short span, my relation with Rahul was spiraling downhill. But it was not before my fourth abortion that I fought myself out of my abusive relationship.” Click the green title to read more.
“There were anti-abortion protesters outside the clinic, and I remember feeling incredibly angry that this group of men were trying to terrorise young women – some of the women looked barely even 14 – in the name of their god.” Click the green title to read more.
“I used to judge other girls who would get pregnant and have babies at 18, and then there I was, in the same boat.” Click the green title to read more.
“I do think about how old they would be from time to time, and they are in my thoughts at times.” Click the green title to read more.
“Some people may find this shocking - but it’s none of their business. My great-grandmother died of an illegal abortion in 1901. My grandpa was an orphan at 18 months old. Safe abortion should be a woman’s choice and right.” Click the green title to read more.
“So after the first time I got the coil put in, and then a year later, almost to the day practically, I got pregnant again, probably because the coil was sitting too low in the cervix, which reduced its effectiveness.” Click the green title to read more.