Oct 26 Oct 26 "I don't feel ready for a baby." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “My first abortion I was 21 and had to do it cause my ex was so abusive. My second I was 24 and I had to do it cause I was in college and the guy couldn't afford to take care of me and the baby.” Read more.
Oct 22 Oct 22 "I do not regret my choices, even though I don't talk about them much." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Washington “I'm so grateful for every person who has shared their story - it's given me courage to do the same!” Read more.
Oct 21 Oct 21 "Growing up in a house with a large dysfunctional family made me realize I didn’t want to pass on my trauma." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Oregon “My girlfriend got pregnant in her early 20s and I took her to planned parenthood in Portland in the early morning hours for an abortion. This was in the late 1970s. It was dark outside and there was already a group of men harassing us. It stuck out to me that these men had no right to shame us or talk about our choices on any level and I fought back. It felt good then and it still does.” Read more.
Oct 20 Oct 20 "Four pregnancies while using birth control pills. Correctly. Every damn day." Sharing Truth Six Abortions, New Mexico “I got pregnant again at 19 while using birth control. I was in the Navy, in a foreign country and was able to obtain a legal abortion there too. Again - less than 3 months later I was pregnant. My periods had not yet become regular after the abortion and I wasn’t using birth control. I had asked a navy doctor for an IUD but was treated like a “slut” for even asking.” Read more.
Oct 19 Oct 19 "I can parent better than I would have 10 years earlier and my career is stable." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, New York “I talk about my abortions because someone was honest to me about her previous abortion when I was struggling and it helped me so much.” Read more.
Oct 6 Oct 6 "I hope to have children when I am better and stronger." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, California “The 1st one because I was young and wanted to travel more. The 2nd one during the time my mama was sick and I needed all my focus and energy on her. And my 3rd one just recently. Unfortunately my mom ended up passing and my mental health is not there yet.” Read more.
Oct 4 Oct 4 "I was not ready to become a mother." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “All I feared was I will be giving this child and myself a bad life. I haven’t seen it, touched it, I was nowhere near to motherhood. Anyways I am glad I did those terminations, so I could concentrate more in my life for my well being. I don’t regret them to this day.” Read more.
Sep 14 Sep 14 "I did not want a baby." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Texas “I was 19 and just out of a physically and mentally abusive relationship. After a year of being tortured by this person I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have a job and I come from an extremely conservative household so I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to afford the procedure. I finally reached out to my mom and after some convincing she was willing to fund my abortion. All I felt was relief.” Read more.
Sep 1 Sep 1 "I have a good job, a stable life, a beautiful dog, and I don’t want children ever." Sharing Truth Seven Abortions, U.K. “I’ve been refused contraception from my GP due to underlying health issues, and refused sterilisation because I’m too young and apparently “will change my mind on not wanting children”. That’s a whole separate issue. I see abortion as a perfectly legitimate medical procedure to remove a tiny cluster of cells from your body, similar to getting your appendix out, or a cyst removed.” Read more.
Aug 24 Aug 24 "It was a turning point for me and I got out of the unstable, abusive relationship I was in." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Australia “My doctor at the time said to me “she feels that this is unethical for her to be helping me again but due to the circumstances and running into bad luck she will do it.” That made me feel a tremendous amount of shame which leads me to today, a third positive pregnancy test right before I start the career of my dreams.” Read more.
Aug 15 Aug 15 "My experiences with abortion have been overwhelmingly positive." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “It is so important that we share our stories of abortion. This medical procedure is ubiquitous, necessary, and a basic human right, and it is so important that all women around the world are easily able to access it. We must share our stories to destigmatize abortion, so thank you for providing me the platform to share it.” Read more.
Aug 9 Aug 9 "After you get pregnant you’re very fertile and it’s easy to get pregnant again!" Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I know it is not a shameful thing and that it happens. But I also know I could not have gotten through it so easily if it hadn’t been for my extremely supportive husband and mom.” Read more.
Aug 4 Aug 4 "I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been mentally and physically as of today. All because I had a choice. " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “Ten years ago I had my first medication abortion. It was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made. We were about to move out together, I lost my job, he had gotten a demotion, and we just knew we weren’t ready. It was that simple. No regrets other than not talking about it MORE.” Read more.
Jul 17 Jul 17 "As I tried to figure out a better form of contraception, I got pregnant again." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Unknown “One of my best friends almost died in childbirth. Other friends of mine have experienced serious complications with pregnancy and delivery. I also have a friend who grew up in foster care and I saw how truly difficult it was for them to live in a world knowing they were not welcome. I chose abortion for my health and the health of future generations who will be impacted by the decisions made by their parents and the intentions behind them.” Read more.
Jul 6 Jul 6 "I found my voice and power in my experiences of violence and trauma." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Arizona “I lived in domestic violence as a pregnant person. I no longer wanted to be alive. Staying alive for my children was all I could think of. Whenever I take a moment to reflect on where I was just 4 years ago vs now, it's surreal to think of all the change, growth, fear, healing, and overall journey I have traveled.” Read more.
Jun 30 Jun 30 "I was back in school two days later and I was thrilled to not be pregnant!" Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “At 19 I became pregnant for the second time. I didn’t immediately know what I wanted to do, but eventually I decided to have an abortion. I just didn’t want to be a parent yet. This abortion happened a bit later into the pregnancy and was more painful than my first. But again, I was so glad to have been able to make the choice not to be pregnant or have an unwanted child.” Read more.
Jun 27 Jun 27 "I am forever grateful for the protection and salvation that abortion has provided for me." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.K. “I had my second abortion when I was nineteen. This time I was married, after it being arranged by my community, and he was physically, sexually and emotionally abusive. I feared what he could do to a child: if he treated me like that how would he treat his baby? I aborted to protect my child.” Read more.
Jun 15 Jun 15 "I felt and still feel perfectly fine about my decisions to have abortions, both times." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Sweden “I simply did not want children at that time in my life. I knew that beforehand and I stuck with that decision without faltering or doubting it for a second. Nobody I talked to said anything against it as far as I can remember — but I also didn't care at all what other people thought about it. I was sure about my decision and that was all I needed.” Read more.
Jun 5 Jun 5 "I knew this was the worst possible environment that I could bring a child into." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Massachusetts, California, U.S. “Making the decision to have an abortion is a complex and quiet calculus. Even when it feels uncomplicated, there are nuances. As a woman of color, I grew up like with so much stigma around not being an unwed teenage mother. Now that I'm older I wonder why I got so fixated on there being only one way –married—to have kids.” Read more.
Jun 3 Jun 3 "I will do it again until I can be able to support a child’s life in this world." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I am in med school and it is extremely hard to focus on school and focus on a child as well. I was thinking about my future and having a child at the time just didn’t seem to fit right. So I went on with the plan. Luckily enough I live in an area where abortion is easily accessible and practiced very safely.” Read more.