"Both these last two, contraception has failed, which feels like a massive kick."
This story was submitted to us.
I’m so glad to have come across this website.
I am about to go through my third abortion in a year.
The first time was silly and I wasn’t using contraception.
But but both these last two, contraception has failed, which feels like a massive kick.
I can’t believe I was that unlucky!!
I feel awful but I have two children already and unfortunately there is no way I could afford a third.
Editor’s note: It is a massive and cruel kick — and you are not alone. Every year in just the U.S. — 2.8 million people have accidental pregnancies, and about 1.6 million of those people were using some form of contraception that did not work. Contraception failure rates are much higher than we are told. Millions of people do their best to prevent pregnancy — investing a lot of money, time, energy, and anxiety — and still get pregnant anyway. Click here or click the image below to read the truth about contraceptive failure.