All in Mexico

“I understand that this spirit is going back to the light, to spirit world. And I know what I have to do. I know the offerings I have to give, the altar that I have to set up, the ways in which I can continue talking to this spirit. I know that these spirits are always going to walk with me and my family. They are members of this family. That’s it. I am at peace.” Read more and listen to the audio version.

“I tried to get used to the idea of having it, and in a moment of madness I told everyone. I called it good news. That same night I regretted saying it because I really didn't want it and neither did their support make me change my mind.” Read more.

“Traté de acostumbrarme a la idea de tenerlo, y en un momento de locura se lo conté a todos. Lo llamé buenas noticias. Esa misma noche lamenté haberlo dicho porque realmente no lo quería y tampoco su apoyo me hizo cambiar de opinión ”. Lee mas.

“Mi conclusión fue que probablemente jamás querría ser mamá, me preocupó el hecho de que esto decepcione a mi familia (todos mis hermanos y hermanas ya tienen hijos), pero la verdad es que yo no quiero.” Lee mas.

“My conclusion was that I would probably never want to be a mom, I was concerned about the fact that this disappoints my family (all my brothers and sisters already have children), but the truth is that I do not want to.” Read more.

“Estoy segura que no quiero tener hijos pronto y por eso usaba esos anticonceptivos, pero no sé si fue mala suerte o si hago algo mal o qué.” Lee mas.

“I'm sure I don't want to have children soon and that's why I used those contraceptives, but I don't know if it was bad luck or if I do something wrong or what.” Read more.

“Del primero nadie sabe, porque fue hace ocho años, viví una agresión sexual por parte de un amigo y no fui a denunciar, pero acudí a una clínica "no oficial" o sea clandestina, era lo único que sabía que existía.” Lee mas.

“No one knows about the first, because it was eight years ago. I experienced a sexual assault by a friend and I did not go to report it, but I went to an "unofficial" or clandestine clinic. It was the only thing I knew existed.” Read more.