“The hardest part for me to come to terms with is the fact that both times I had taken the emergency contraceptive pill, which doctors have told me fails only one time in every hundred.” Click the green title to read more.
“The hardest part for me to come to terms with is the fact that both times I had taken the emergency contraceptive pill, which doctors have told me fails only one time in every hundred.” Click the green title to read more.
“Before I was completely affected by the sedation, my nurse grabbed my hand and smiled at me and that made everything great because I wanted my mom there so bad.” Click the green title to read more.
“Every one of these experiences, these disorienting and oddly empowering womb-moments, has emboldened me to speak plainly and shamelessly, to speak openly about what happens - in our hearts & in our communities - when we are shamed and herded into a dark corner regarding our reproductive decisions. about how much overall damage is done when they snatch away the sovereignty we deserve to have over our own bodies.” Click the green title to read more.
“Never wanted children, but had healthy, heterosexual relationships. Was a great pill taker; then my gyn told me women need to 'give their bodies a break,' that I shouldn't stay on the pill for a long time, and took me off it.” Click the green title to read more.
“He explained he would not be helping me pay for the abortion, so I had to reschedule my appointment for the day I get paid and deal with being pregnant an additional week and a half.” Click the green title to read more.
“I had no idea how I was going to handle a miscarriage with nowhere to have it in peace and privacy. It was then that I decided to abort. My boyfriend was supportive. I took a friend with me and we drove 2 hours away to the nearest clinic that would perform one that far along.” Click the green title to read more.
“Why? Because I don’t want to continue the pregnancy. Because I was not ready. Because I don’t want to give birth to children I was not ready to have. Because I want to plan my pregnancy. Because my children in the future deserve to be born wanted and loved unconditionally. “ Click the green title to read more.
“Five of my pregnancies occurred while using some method of contraception, often hormonal and condoms at the same time. I was actively trying NOT to get pregnant, so why was my body betraying me? Why couldn't I successfully take a pill or get a shot like normal women?” Click the green title to read more.
“I could not see a point anywhere in the future where I would want children in my life. The realization shocked me. Children had always been part of the plan. I began to realize that that plan belonged to somebody else. It was everyone else’s expectations of me as a woman.” Click the green title to read more.
“I did not at all want to have a child at that time of my life. I want kids in the future when I am maybe 30 years old. My boyfriend did not want children either. I would never have a child I didn't want.” Click the green title to read more.
“Two different experiences make the list of emotions confusing. My first abortion was one I had to travel for and lie for and could not share with people at home, so the emotions were primarily negative. Yet I was sure it was the right decision.” Click the green title to read more.
“I told a good girlfriend of mine about my pregnancy and found out that she had 2 previous abortions. My friend talked me into having an abortion, and I am so grateful she did. We are still good friends today.” Click the green title to read more.
“I gravitated towards medication abortion as it would be the most intimate way to experience this decision at home with the least amount of medical intervention. So it was decided—I would be pregnant on vacation then take medication to terminate the pregnancy once back home.” Click the green title to read more.
“After my second abortion the abuse got worse. I knew I was going to die or either he was. I finally ended my dangerous affair and for 4 years I was single. It was refreshing. I gained my self worth and independence back but eventually I became lonely again.” Click the green title to read more.
“The last one made my world a little different. I had wanted more children at some point. My daughter was 7 and I didn't want a large age gap between them. My partner and I at the time hadn't been together long enough to feel secure in raising a child.”
“My brother and best friend took me to a clinic near my parents' house over Christmas vacation, and everything went smoothly. I remember crying when I told my parents that night, and I still have one of the little hospital booties I wore in the clinic.”
“I feel thankful that I live in a country where I had the choice to decide about my pregnancy. I feel very sad for the women that do not have the same choice or do not have the money to visit a proper medical center.” Click the green title to read more.
“I had to go to Baltimore at a certain corner downtown, at a certain time, by myself with cash. This big car pulled up, and I think there were two other girls in there. I got in, and they put something over my face to cover my eyes.” Click the green title to read more.
“They say we took the easy way out, to avoid dealing with a medically complex child. They say we are cold, uncaring women, throwing away our child the minute there is a problem. They say we are not allowed to mourn our babies, because we had an abortion.” Click the green title to read more.
“That experience was not traumatic in the sense that I felt alone. Of course, it’s a very alone thing to do. You’re very alone in that moment. But I had people around me. My boyfriend was supportive and was there.” Click the green title to read more.