“The first abortion in 2010 was horrible because it was illegal and done in a makeshift operating room and with the wrong anesthetics. I ended up trying to scratch my face off and vomiting all over the clinic. The second abortion in 2015 was done legally in a hospital, and it was the complete opposite. No pain, no discomfort. At all. The staff and the doctors reassured me.” Read more.

“I was so naive. I told my mom, "You know. I haven't had my period in a while now. I don't know what's happening." Of course she didn't know I was having relationships, so when the doctor told her, "You are going to be a grandma," my mom looked at me and she was like, "Oh my god. What is going on here?" She did not talk to me for a couple of weeks. She was so upset with me.” Read more.

“Del primero nadie sabe, porque fue hace ocho años, viví una agresión sexual por parte de un amigo y no fui a denunciar, pero acudí a una clínica "no oficial" o sea clandestina, era lo único que sabía que existía.” Lee mas.

“No one knows about the first, because it was eight years ago. I experienced a sexual assault by a friend and I did not go to report it, but I went to an "unofficial" or clandestine clinic. It was the only thing I knew existed.” Read more.

“The problem is that I have a disease which will not allow me to take anything with hormones — no birth control pills or anything. I was always really responsible when having sex. Despite that I got pregnant twice. I'm a student, don't have a boyfriend, don't have my own place and don't have any money to take care of another person.” Read more.

“I didn’t even consider keeping the baby. He already had 4 children he didn’t take care of, and I just wasn’t ready. I went to planned parenthood for the procedure. I was poor at the time and didn’t have the money for the anesthesia. I was 8 weeks. I was so scared the whole time I could barely stop myself from shaking. The second time I got pregnant I again knew I wanted an abortion, I was 20 or 21. Same man, and I was less than 10 weeks. Again, I went to planned parenthood, again couldn’t pay for the anesthesia. This time I didn’t want to go to the same location in fear of being judged.” Read more.

“My boyfriend was there and he was very supportive, but I resented him leading to our break up because at one point he told me I killed his child. In April 2019 I fell pregnant, but I was on the pill and it came as a surprise largely because I was being safe from the first pregnancy up to that time. I was so scared of falling pregnant again since the first abortion took a toll on me and it took time for me to recover from bitterness and to forgive myself.” Read more.

“In my 20s, I had 6 abortions in 7 years. I got pregnant while using condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and the sponge. Furious, I had my tubes tied, and even then I got pregnant once more. I felt I owed it to society not to burden the world with more people like myself - traumatized by a bad childhood that no amount of therapy seemed able to fix.” Read more.

“I do not feel ashamed to admit that I am pregnant. I do not feel ashamed to say that I am going to have an abortion. Part of me worries whether or not they will think of me differently for it, and quite frankly that anxiety was what was keeping me from realizing that I was letting myself be blinded by them. But their opinions are not mine to harbor. I give myself the freedom to choose abortion and to always do what is best for me. I have an appointment scheduled a week from today, and while I still let myself wonder what it would be like to continue the pregnancy, I remind myself that there is still time for me to have a child in the future. This is the definition of family planning.” Read More.

“I have a long and complicated medical history, much of it centered around my uterus. I've been labelled infertile, and been declared fertile again. I've been pregnant seven times despite all of this, with one living child, who took me years to conceive and carry. Because of my ongoing problems and the insane ability to get pregnant even on several forms of birth control (each terminated pregnancy happened despite being on the pill, condoms, and/or spermicide), this was my last straw. I'm getting sterilized. Read more.

“My second abortion was at 21. I found out I was pregnant again. I had a wave of emotions and this time the decision was not as easy. I’d always wanted a baby and would’ve loved to have been a mum, again I was silly and didn’t use contraception. My mum was so unsupportive and in fact, made my life hell as she thought I’d ruin my life by having this baby. I was so confused and really didn’t know what to do.” Read More.

“So I recently went out of town with my boyfriend to celebrate my birthday. Things got a little out of hand (consumed a ton of alcohol) and obviously protection wasn’t used. I am now fearing a pregnancy scare and I’ve already made a decision that if I am pregnant that I will terminate. This will be my 4th termination and I honestly feel a little guilty and irresponsible but I’ve tried all birth control methods and I honestly can’t keep up with any of them.” Read more.

“In February of 2014, I became pregnant with the same boyfriend. We were technically broken up at this time, but just like in any toxic relationship, I was stuck in a loop with him. I knew I didn’t want to be with him; he had put me through so much mental abuse, cheated on me, humiliated me in front of so many people & constantly talked down to me. Having his baby felt absurd.” Read more.