“Not once did I entertain having a baby. Sometimes I think about how old they would be now, but not much more. Those 3 abortions were not difficult decisions for me. I have also yet to encounter someone that doesn’t sit with me while I open up and talk about it. To anyone feeling alone, like I did during my first abortion, you are not! You have thousands of people in your corner.” Read more.

“My parents didn’t teach me how to be responsible, so I knew there was no way I could take care of a child, until I was ready. Some days I think of what my child(ren) would’ve looked like and how messed up our situation would’ve been had I gone through with the pregnancies. Coming from a broken and dysfunctional family, I never wanted that for my child(ren). “ Read more.

“I got pregnant again at 19 while using birth control. I was in the Navy, in a foreign country and was able to obtain a legal abortion there too. Again - less than 3 months later I was pregnant. My periods had not yet become regular after the abortion and I wasn’t using birth control. I had asked a navy doctor for an IUD but was treated like a “slut” for even asking.” Read more.

“I’ve been refused contraception from my GP due to underlying health issues, and refused sterilisation because I’m too young and apparently “will change my mind on not wanting children”. That’s a whole separate issue. I see abortion as a perfectly legitimate medical procedure to remove a tiny cluster of cells from your body, similar to getting your appendix out, or a cyst removed.” Read more.