Oct 14 Oct 14 "I ended my pregnancy because I wanted to protect the wellbeing of my baby from this man." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 14 Weeks “The first thing he said to me after we found out was, “I’ll need to know everyone you’re seeing from now on.” It became very clear, very quickly that this wasn’t about having a baby for him. It was about having control over my life. He then admitted to a number of things he felt I should know. The less complex included the other women he had been seeing during our relationship and had relentlessly lied about. He cheats on everyone, so this wasn’t a shock. But then he told me about his past arrest for sexual assault.” Read more.
Aug 22 Aug 22 "I regret letting people manipulate me." Sharing Truth One abortion, 2nd Trimester, 22 Weeks “Days went by and I was so depressed. I turned to my best friend not knowing she was against it. She told her older sister who sent me fake horrifying pics of aborted babies. I turned to my mom. She said she was gonna stop talking to me if I ever think about abortion. I turned to one of my coworkers hoping I would get a different response from her, she gave me a speech. Soon after the guy’s family started calling me congratulating me since he had told them. I cried and cried my family found out. Everyone wanted this. Except for me.” Read more.