Jan 22 Jan 22 "A baby deserves a better chance in life." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “The father is a narcissist who doesn’t care about me or anyone else apart from himself. For the past two years I have been consistently mentally abused — and physically abused twice.” Read more.
Dec 10 Dec 10 "He really did a number on me emotionally, and I was terrified of ever having another child because of it." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, U.S. “I lost custody of my child for a year even after I worked my way off of public assistance! My child’s father dragged me through a custody battle and raked me over the coals as public assistance made it hard to stay in one place. Not dealing with the emotional abuse caused me to fear having another child and then having the baby taken away.” Read more.
May 10 May 10 "I always wanted to be a mother, but circumstances made me make other decisions." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Mexico “In addition to not having support from my family, the man I became pregnant with threatened and blackmailed me into having an abortion. I had to leave the house and go to a hotel, because it was unbearable to stay in that place with them telling me so many bad things. They harassed me through messages and social media and I had to block them and delete them from my life to preserve my mental health.” Read more.
Nov 7 Nov 7 "My abortions saved me." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Texas, U.S. “He routinely told me he wanted to get me pregnant and that he couldn’t wait until we could have a baby. And one day it happened, my period was late and I took a pregnancy test and it confirmed my fears. I was pregnant. I told my boyfriend at the time and he blew up at me. Incredibly angry and volatile, telling me he couldn’t have a baby right now.” Read more.