Mar 21 Mar 21 "Truth is if I could go back in time I would have chosen the abortion." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I got knocked up in high school my senior year and my parents forced me to keep her. They didn't give me an option for abortion and when I brought up adoption they said I was a terrible mother. I was 19 years old when I had her. My mother had to quit her job and raise her grandchild because I wouldn't. I didn't want to. I don't love her like I should. Love her like a mother should love a daughter. We never got close. I resent her. I hate her father.” Read more.
Mar 9 Mar 9 "I would have five children right now and would have to live off government aid." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “Should I have kept the child with the man who, unprovoked, questioned paternity? Or the one who abandoned me when I was ten weeks along? Or how about with the one who went off the deep end into QAnon conspiracies? I felt fed up with men, relieved I could continue with my life.” Read more.
Feb 23 Feb 23 "I absolutely can not and will not bring a child into total chaos." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “I'm pregnant again about to schedule my third. I do have a daughter but I am going through a divorce from a mentally unstable man. I'm pregnant by the love of my life and I currently do not have a place to stay.” Read more.
Dec 9 Dec 9 "I will never regret my abortions because they made me a better mother." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “My parents didn’t teach me how to be responsible, so I knew there was no way I could take care of a child, until I was ready. Some days I think of what my child(ren) would’ve looked like and how messed up our situation would’ve been had I gone through with the pregnancies. Coming from a broken and dysfunctional family, I never wanted that for my child(ren). “ Read more.
Aug 9 Aug 9 "After you get pregnant you’re very fertile and it’s easy to get pregnant again!" Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I know it is not a shameful thing and that it happens. But I also know I could not have gotten through it so easily if it hadn’t been for my extremely supportive husband and mom.” Read more.
Jun 3 Jun 3 "I will do it again until I can be able to support a child’s life in this world." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I am in med school and it is extremely hard to focus on school and focus on a child as well. I was thinking about my future and having a child at the time just didn’t seem to fit right. So I went on with the plan. Luckily enough I live in an area where abortion is easily accessible and practiced very safely.” Read more.
Apr 16 Apr 16 "I tried all kinds of contraception, some didn’t work, some made me low in mood." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “At school we were shown images of aborted babies as a way of scaring us. The Catholic Church is very much against abortion. Where I live now I was met with respect and no judgement from the the health providers when I went to seek abortion. It’s my secret what I’ve been through, but I don’t regret those decisions.” Read more.
Mar 23 Mar 23 "I was going through a bad divorce, trying to support my son on my own, and dating this new guy." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “Everyone should have access to abortion. My life would be so much worse if I had had to birth both children. My son would not have lived the life he lived. The partners involved would not have the lives they have now.” Read more.
Mar 15 Mar 15 "Third and last — I was raped." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “First one, I was in no position to have the baby — I was in grad school, the father was as well, but 3000 miles away; and we were young. Twenty one years old.” Read more.
Feb 17 Feb 17 " I made the choices because I care about the greater good." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I felt that I could not provide for a child under my circumstances and I was supported by the father. It was not an easy decision to make but I do not regret it and I would make the same decision again.” Read more.
Feb 12 Feb 12 "My youngest was only 10 months old and I knew I wasn’t ready, emotionally or financially." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I felt sad, inadequate and lonely. I cried so much, they decided to push my procedure back, to one of the last appointments that day. I came to terms with it. I went through with it and afterwards, felt relief. The decision had been made and I had to make it for the entire family. I believe in quality of life, not just quantity of life. I don’t regret either one.” Read more.
Jan 3 Jan 3 "It is normal to need more than one abortion." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I immediately felt a rush of relief once I felt the pregnancy pass – there was no shame. No guilt. No “what have I done.” Just pure, unadulterated relief.” Read more.
Dec 27 Dec 27 "I always thought that getting pregnant was never something that would happen to me." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I realized that my body didn’t ask me permission to get pregnant, it is no one’s fault, and in most if not all cases, it isn’t something that can be controlled. We are human, and we do the best that we can with the resources that we have. In hindsight, I recognize that having an abortion was the best option for me, even if it felt like the only option at the time.” Read more.
Dec 21 Dec 21 "Because I was able to have safe and legal abortions, I was able to have children when the time was right." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “By the time I was in my 20s, I was addicted to crack and heroin, and was essentially homeless, sleeping on friend’s couches and in vacant homes. During this time I had three abortions, which was exactly the right thing to do. I was desperate and irresponsible, but I knew enough to know I didn’t want to bring addicted babies into my crazy world.” Read more.
Dec 6 Dec 6 "I was 14 and had no business even thinking I was going to raise a kid with a 14 year old boy." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “Three years later, 17 and home from a year abroad, I started hanging out with a guy I grew up with. He had 2 kids already, the condom broke, and here I was again. Pregnant. No questions about it, I was not ready for this. It was my senior year of high school.” Read more.
Nov 13 Nov 13 "I had this feeling that I wasn’t ready for another baby." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “My boyfriend supported me, even though he did not want me to have an abortion. I thought long and hard about what my boyfriend felt, then decided to listen to what I wanted. It’s your body and when it comes down to it, it’s your life that will be affected more than your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s.” Read more.
Sep 12 Sep 12 "This allowed me to look at abortion as a blessing for me, a chance to break many generational traumas." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “At 15 I got pregnant. I did not want to carry the stereotype that most Latina women have of having children very young. At 22 I got pregnant for the second time. With no full time job and being a first-year masters student, I knew that having a baby was not in the plans. I thought I was supposed to feel guilty –otherwise I feared being perceived as a bad person if I felt relieved from having an abortion.” Read more.
Aug 25 Aug 25 "I was seriously depressed realizing that this man wasn’t into actually committing to me or having a family." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “I left that person because he’d lied to me and didn’t want what I wanted in life. I’ve never regretted my decision as I was a hurt, lost person at that point in my life. And I watched my sister, who was a teen parent, struggle and fail. I never wanted that hard a life, especially for any child of mine.” Read more.
Aug 14 Aug 14 "I was so blinded by the love I had for him that I couldn’t see he didn’t love me or that I deserved better." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I was pro-choice, but if I was to ever get pregnant I told myself I’d always keep it. However, it’s easier said than done, especially when I know in my heart I can’t give my baby the life it deserves. I ended up terminating the second baby as well and I made a promise with myself that I’d never make any promises.” Read more.
Jul 27 Jul 27 "I am proud of choosing not to have a child when it would have been wrong for everyone." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I'm not only peaceful with my decisions but in fact I'm proud of them. Both times, it was the best thing for all concerned. I have no negative feelings about it whatsoever. No woman should be forced to do anything with her body that she doesn't choose and I'm grateful that I wasn't put through that.” Read more.