“In 2012, Amy unexpectedly became pregnant for a second time. This time, she had finished her education, had a career, had been married and divorced, and was not struggling financially. But she decided that be- cause the father struggled with substance abuse, she was not prepared to be involved with him for the rest of her life. And having seen how difficult it was for her mother to be a single mother, she was not prepared to do that.” Read more.

“Julie believes that if she carried either of these pregnancies to term, the stress of caring for the child— if it survived—would have forced her to become socially isolated, put a strain on her marriage, and made her oldest child suffer. She thinks the government and the courts should not intrude on her very personal decisions, and could not possibly know what is best for her.” Click to see the testimony.

“I still think about my abortions from time to time. I don’t have any regrets. To this day my husband and I are the only ones who know and it will most likely stay that way. I guess I just want to let anyone who has had or will be having an abortion know that it’s okay. You’re doing what’s best for you. You will get through it. I understand. You’re valid. And you’re loved. And you have support right here if nowhere else.” Read more.

“Normally, when someone dies, the clan gathers, food is brought, sympathy is offered. Normally, death bonds people. Because it’s cloaked in secrecy, abortion separates, worse, it alienates. Grief is not meant to be a solitary experience. When grief is experienced alone, it’s traumatizing. Despite the sadness, I never doubted that ending my pregnancies was best for everyone involved. I’d be lying if I told you I never thought about my unborn children and the life we might have had together. But those thoughts don’t torment me.” Click the green title to see the whole story.

“At 19 I had left home, was totally lost in life and became pregnant. There were not many support systems then, I had no money, felt panicked, and had an abortion. That year I got into a 10 year relationship with an abusive man. When I got pregnant again, I was terrified of him, being tied to him forever, and the pregnancy, and had another abortion. I used birth control sporadically, but was depressed and didn't care enough about myself to take care of myself. I was not cavalier about abortion, but I was so lost in life.” Read more.

“To be honest, I didn’t consider myself pro-choice until I had my son. Before that, I was completely ignorant to all of the challenges of raising a human being. I was raised “pro-life” Baptist and I parroted every silly myth that had been shoved into my head — you know, women who like/have sex are sluts and women who have an abortion are selfish, irresponsible murdering sluts. But when I found myself breastfeeding my son for the fifth time in the middle of the night, crying from exhaustion and the chilling desperation that accompanies postpartum depression, wondering how I could keep functioning. . . I understood.” Read more.

“I’m still healing from my childhood as well as from my 10 year long relationship of abuse. Everyone has a different story and a different reason. Regardless, the right to choose should not be taken away. Would you rather me bring a child into a potentially dangerous life or prevent a child from being mentally damaged and abused as well? I chose not to. I chose right.” Click the green title to see the whole story.

“This morning I was filled with nerves and now I’m back home with such relief. I was kind of okay the first time and okay the second time and this will be the okay-est for me especially since I was so early in my pregnancy, I can morally deal with myself. I am so grateful that today women have the opportunity to choose when they are ready to make a family. I chose the pill because I have always felt that is the most natural way for a body. I do want children one day. I fantasize about them all the time, but this year is not the time.” Click the green title to see the whole story.

“It’s important to share our stories so that people understand. It’s particularly important for young women who are faced with these choices to feel it’s an OK choice to make. It’s not a selfish choice. It’s a choice you are making for the good of your future, your children’s future and society’s future. “ Click the green title to access the audio.

“The most challenging part about it has been the stigma. When I opened up to my close friends about it, they couldn’t believe that I had had abortions because I am an exemplary mother — this created a dialogue that was very much needed to shift perspectives. I believe it’s important to talk about it openly so people don’t bash others or shame themselves for doing what is best for them, like I did for years.”

Click the green title to see the whole story.

“Unfortunately this has happened through a second unwanted pregnancy- rather than conscious thought about it beforehand! I have a chronic illness and mental health issues. Even if I did really want it, I don’t think I’d cope well. My belief is that people should ONLY have a child because they REALLY want it, and are prepared to make the enormous sacrifices it involves. No-one should have a child because it’s the expectation of society, their family or friends, or because they “don’t want to be lonely.” That is what I call selfish, not deciding to be child-free because you know you couldn’t provide for their needs.”

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I found out I was pregnant with my IUD correctly in place. When the doctor did a uterine biopsy to ensure it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus did not dislodge as it should have, and stayed firmly in place after the doctor removed my IUD a week later. I was devastated. I did not want this pregnancy but in addition I felt such guilt for having put the fetus through so much useless stress. I had a copper IUD put in place after my first abortion a year ago. I had promised myself I would never put myself in the situation of having to terminate for non-medical reasons again, but here I was, again, despite having done everything I was supposed to do to prevent it.”

Click the green title to see the whole story.

“Despite being on the pill, I found myself pregnant again. And this time I had no idea how to feel. On the one hand, I still desperately wanted children. On the other hand, in my heart of hearts I knew that this was not a healthy relationship. Was it fair to bring a child into this? What if Andrew treated them like he treated me?”

Click the green title to see the whole story.

“I became a mother to a beautiful baby girl and a wife to a monster. I tried to offer him a life that I thought would make him want to change. Big shock – it doesn’t work that way. As the abuse escalated after her birth, when she was 9 months old I found the courage and support to leave. He raped me the last night we spent under the same roof and about a month later I found out I was pregnant. “

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“I never even told one of the guys I was pregnant. I just got an abortion and kept it moving. He already had five kids of his own. I definitely should have been on birth control with a baby maker like that. The other guy; well I was seventeen and he was cheating on his girlfriend with me. That speaks volumes on its own.”

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“My second son was only a few months old when I discovered that I was pregnant for the fifth time despite breastfeeding. We felt that it would be too great a drain on my body’s resources so try to raise one infant while growing another, so, abortion number three. This one I was very sad about, but I felt like I would have been cheating my infant son, like I wouldn’t have been able to provide enough nutrients to him or the fetus, that one or both of them would suffer a deficiency.”

Click the green title to see the whole story.