“The trauma felt around my second was ALL of the bullying that was done by the dude to make sure I was going to get an abortion. That one was in a clinic. My girlfriend came with me, and he ignored my texts and calls all day. THAT was traumatic. That is what was upsetting. I had loving care through the whole process and afterwards. And I’m so grateful I didn’t have a baby with someone who was so god damn manipulative, again at a young age.” Read more.

"The hardest part of that whole day wasn't the procedure,” says Amanda Palmer, “it was actually the walk from the car to the clinic where I had to walk the gauntlet of angry, rageful, judgmental protestors." Says Alyssa Milano, “I was raised Catholic and was suddenly put in conflict with my faith — a faith I was coming to realize empowered only men to make every single decision of what was allowed and what was not allowed. I had a career and a future and potential.” Listen.

“I was 28 when I had my first abortion. I had just started a new job, fresh out of graduate school and had just discovered I was in a horrible relationship. I couldn't get an abortion fast enough. I felt relieved mostly after it was over . . . At the age of 35 I had grown up a lot and had been dating a wonderful man for about three months while working towards my PhD. The very first time we had sex it happened. He co-signed my fears and stated that we were just starting a relationship, it was too soon, I had to finish my doctorate first. Still unsure, I went along with his strong wishes and had an abortion.” Read more.

“We still weren't ready to have a child. I had to go back to the clinic, but I went to a different town because I felt embarrassed that it happened again and that, again, I'm still not ready. Same medicines, just this time I got an IUD. Prior to this, no one would put an IUD in. I had asked a few physicians in different states. I am 30 now. We are married and now getting ready to take the IUD out and plan for a family. I don't regret my decisions because I did what I had to do to feel comfortable/ready in bringing a child into this crazy world.” Read more.

“I was already a mother when I had my abortions. I love my children. I believe that my work as a parent is my most important job. When I had my first abortion, I was a single mother. I had just found the courage to end an abusive relationship. It was an incredibly empowering and scary step to try to stand on my own when I had nothing. My baby girl was 9 months old and my income was well below the poverty line. I prayed and lifted all that was weighing upon me to God.” Read more.

“After my first abortion I saw several doctors to talk about my options. I had been on the depo shot, but I had adverse effects and had to stop getting it. I wanted to talk about sterilization, of course I was ignored. I was made to believe I just wasn’t old enough to know, that I would change my mind, and 7 years, and 3 abortions later my mind has never wavered.” Read more.

“I had my daughter at age 21. She is the light of my life and the reason for so many things I do. Her dad and I split up after a few years and I jumped into another relationship and got pregnant. I was 25. I wanted to be excited and for a few weeks I was but I knew that having a child with this man was not what was best for me or what I wanted. He had three kids himself and I was still in love with my daughter’s dad. Without him knowing, I had an abortion.” Read more.

“The first abortion in 2010 was horrible because it was illegal and done in a makeshift operating room and with the wrong anesthetics. I ended up trying to scratch my face off and vomiting all over the clinic. The second abortion in 2015 was done legally in a hospital, and it was the complete opposite. No pain, no discomfort. At all. The staff and the doctors reassured me.” Read more.

“I was so naive. I told my mom, "You know. I haven't had my period in a while now. I don't know what's happening." Of course she didn't know I was having relationships, so when the doctor told her, "You are going to be a grandma," my mom looked at me and she was like, "Oh my god. What is going on here?" She did not talk to me for a couple of weeks. She was so upset with me.” Read more.

“Del primero nadie sabe, porque fue hace ocho años, viví una agresión sexual por parte de un amigo y no fui a denunciar, pero acudí a una clínica "no oficial" o sea clandestina, era lo único que sabía que existía.” Lee mas.

“No one knows about the first, because it was eight years ago. I experienced a sexual assault by a friend and I did not go to report it, but I went to an "unofficial" or clandestine clinic. It was the only thing I knew existed.” Read more.

“The problem is that I have a disease which will not allow me to take anything with hormones — no birth control pills or anything. I was always really responsible when having sex. Despite that I got pregnant twice. I'm a student, don't have a boyfriend, don't have my own place and don't have any money to take care of another person.” Read more.

“I didn’t even consider keeping the baby. He already had 4 children he didn’t take care of, and I just wasn’t ready. I went to planned parenthood for the procedure. I was poor at the time and didn’t have the money for the anesthesia. I was 8 weeks. I was so scared the whole time I could barely stop myself from shaking. The second time I got pregnant I again knew I wanted an abortion, I was 20 or 21. Same man, and I was less than 10 weeks. Again, I went to planned parenthood, again couldn’t pay for the anesthesia. This time I didn’t want to go to the same location in fear of being judged.” Read more.

“My boyfriend was there and he was very supportive, but I resented him leading to our break up because at one point he told me I killed his child. In April 2019 I fell pregnant, but I was on the pill and it came as a surprise largely because I was being safe from the first pregnancy up to that time. I was so scared of falling pregnant again since the first abortion took a toll on me and it took time for me to recover from bitterness and to forgive myself.” Read more.