“In my 20s, I had 6 abortions in 7 years. I got pregnant while using condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and the sponge. Furious, I had my tubes tied, and even then I got pregnant once more. I felt I owed it to society not to burden the world with more people like myself - traumatized by a bad childhood that no amount of therapy seemed able to fix.” Read more.

“I do not feel ashamed to admit that I am pregnant. I do not feel ashamed to say that I am going to have an abortion. Part of me worries whether or not they will think of me differently for it, and quite frankly that anxiety was what was keeping me from realizing that I was letting myself be blinded by them. But their opinions are not mine to harbor. I give myself the freedom to choose abortion and to always do what is best for me. I have an appointment scheduled a week from today, and while I still let myself wonder what it would be like to continue the pregnancy, I remind myself that there is still time for me to have a child in the future. This is the definition of family planning.” Read More.

“I have a long and complicated medical history, much of it centered around my uterus. I've been labelled infertile, and been declared fertile again. I've been pregnant seven times despite all of this, with one living child, who took me years to conceive and carry. Because of my ongoing problems and the insane ability to get pregnant even on several forms of birth control (each terminated pregnancy happened despite being on the pill, condoms, and/or spermicide), this was my last straw. I'm getting sterilized. Read more.

“My second abortion was at 21. I found out I was pregnant again. I had a wave of emotions and this time the decision was not as easy. I’d always wanted a baby and would’ve loved to have been a mum, again I was silly and didn’t use contraception. My mum was so unsupportive and in fact, made my life hell as she thought I’d ruin my life by having this baby. I was so confused and really didn’t know what to do.” Read More.

“So I recently went out of town with my boyfriend to celebrate my birthday. Things got a little out of hand (consumed a ton of alcohol) and obviously protection wasn’t used. I am now fearing a pregnancy scare and I’ve already made a decision that if I am pregnant that I will terminate. This will be my 4th termination and I honestly feel a little guilty and irresponsible but I’ve tried all birth control methods and I honestly can’t keep up with any of them.” Read more.

“In February of 2014, I became pregnant with the same boyfriend. We were technically broken up at this time, but just like in any toxic relationship, I was stuck in a loop with him. I knew I didn’t want to be with him; he had put me through so much mental abuse, cheated on me, humiliated me in front of so many people & constantly talked down to me. Having his baby felt absurd.” Read more.

“God made me survive a serial rapist for a reason even though I feel the choices I made were horrific. I don't know if God can forgive me or if I can I will always look at myself as a failure to my kids, but I know that if I were who I am now, I'd have never gotten myself in those situations. I don't regret the abortions exactly; I know with my soon-to-be ex-husband it never would have been good life with a dad like that. I know that as a recovering drug addict I could never have raised them alone. I know with my first three I was too immature and not thinking of what I should have all for the wrong reasons.” Read more.

“Miałam 20 lat gdy zaszłam w pierwszą ciążę . Miałam stałego partnera , jednak był to związek toksyczny. On był alkoholikiem , despotą i starszym skąpcem ( wydzielał mi nawet pieniądze na chleb) . Nie umiałam się od niego uwolnić , byłam zbyt młoda i głupia. Powiedział, że nie może mieć dzieci bo ma jedno jądro , ja głupia uwierzyłam i niestety zaszłam w ciążę .“ Kliknij zielony link, aby zobaczyć całą historię.

“I was 20 when I got pregnant for the first time. I had a permanent partner, but it was toxic. He was an alcoholic, a despot and an elderly miser (he even gave me money for bread). I couldn't free myself from him, I was too young and stupid. He said that he can't have children because he has one testicle, I stupid believed and unfortunately I got pregnant.” Click the green link to see the whole story in Polish and English.

“Both abortions were while I was in college. The first one, I was initially really happy to be pregnant with someone I loved. However, the relationship quickly became abusive, and I knew I did not want my child or myself to be in that environment. I also knew he would be after me for the rest of my life if I had that baby. So, I had an abortion. “ Read more.

“Nunca me he sentido mal después de un aborto, todo lo contrario, físicamente es casi nada comparado con el trabajo del parto, emocionalmente, me levantaba de la camilla y era la mujer entusiasta y trabajadora que soy. Talvez porque no soy católica, soy politeista, encuentro a la divinidad en todas partes, tengo una gran veneración a la Madre tierra. Siento que nosotras somos ella en miniatura, ella también aborta y también da frutos maravillosos y en partes es infértil o estéril como algunas compañeras.” Haga clic en el título verde para ver las traducciones al español y al inglés de esta historia.

“I have never felt bad after an abortion — quite the opposite. Physically it is almost nothing compared to labor. Emotionally, I got up from the stretcher and was the enthusiastic and hardworking woman I am. Maybe because I'm not Catholic, I'm a polytheist. I find divinity everywhere. I have a great veneration for Mother Earth. I feel that we are her in miniature. She also aborts and also bears wonderful fruits and in parts she is infertile or sterile like some companions.” Click the green title to see both Spanish and English translations of this story.

“I’m thankful that I have the choice to do this! I don’t feel any guilt or regret at all. My fiancé and I have very equal thoughts about this and we both believe that what we did is the right thing. We know we’re not ready and we want to have kids when we are! We want our kids to be provided with everything they need. We want to be able to love them wholeheartedly and we can only do that if we know that we both decided we want kids and we are ready for it!” Click the green title to see the whole story.