Dec 16 Dec 16 "I felt calm, as I had solved the situation." ~ "Me sentí tranquila, ya que había resuelto la situación". Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Argentina, Spanish/English, Illegal “In both cases, they were accidents with men I knew very recently, and the truth was it was not the right time, nor did I have the desire to start a family with someone I did not even know. It would have completely changed my life. I want to have children but not in this way.” Read more.“En ambos casos fueron accidentes con hombres que conocí hace muy poco tiempo, y la verdad es que no era el momento adecuado, ni tenía el deseo de formar una familia con alguien que ni siquiera conocía. Habría cambiado mi vida por completo.Quiero tener hijos pero no de esta manera.” Lee mas.
Dec 10 Dec 10 "I have no regrets at all and only feel annoyed that birth control keeps failing me." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Massachusetts, U.S. “I feel abortions stories sometimes are about how the guy wasn’t right for you so you wanted to end it, but I have had the same boyfriend since I was 21 and do want kids with him someday. But I want them on my time when we are ready, and right now we feel we have so much more to do and live for before we settle down with kids!” Read more.
Dec 8 Dec 8 "I have no support to raise this kid." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Pennsylvania, U.S., Later Abortions “I had an abortion about 6 or 7 years ago . I had my first child in 2011. I'm currently pregnant, and due to financial physical and mental issues, I've decided to get an abortion next week.” Read more.
Dec 6 Dec 6 “We don't want people to be defined by their ability to reproduce or defined by their body parts.” Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Transgender, Nonbinary, U.S. “The first time, you know, I didn't get emotional at all," Sanchez tells Allure. "During my second abortion, the combination of the doctor misgendering me, and then forcing these heterosexual gender roles on me, made me feel even more erased in the situation, and so it became much more emotional for me.” Read more.
Dec 3 Dec 3 "I don't think women should be plagued with guilt." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “My first was a medical abortion which I received my medication at my state's only abortion clinic. I at first had feelings of guilt, but never regret. Upon becoming pregnant with the man I love, any feelings of guilt were gone. I knew my decision was best for me, the child I wanted and was ready for, and our family.” Read more.
Nov 25 Nov 25 "I made the best decisions I could, with the information I had at the time." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “I had no idea that there were others out there like me. I just considered myself to be an awful person with no ability to make good decisions . . . unsupported, isolated and alone.” Read more.
Nov 24 Nov 24 "After the first time, I was convinced I would never do it again." ~ „Już po raz pierwszy byłem przekonany, że nigdy więcej tego nie zrobię”. Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Poland, Illegal “Now, 10 days after, I feel great. I fell pregnant by accident literally 2 days after losing my job. My financial situation was very bad. I couldn't afford a child. The fact that abortion is illegal in my country is irrelevant to me. Nobody can dictate what to do with my body. I believe that every woman should be aware of this option and take advantage of it if she feels the need to.” Read more.„Teraz, 10 dni później, czuję się świetnie. W ciążę zaszłam przypadkowo dosłownie 2 dni po utracie pracy. Moja sytuacja finansowa była bardzo zła. Nie stać mnie na dziecko. To, że aborcja jest nielegalna w moim kraju, nie ma dla mnie znaczenia. Nikt nie może dyktować, co zrobić z moim ciałem. Uważam, że każda kobieta powinna zdawać sobie sprawę z tej możliwości i skorzystać z niej, jeśli czuje taką potrzebę ”. Czytaj więcej.
Nov 21 Nov 21 "The choice is ultimately mine as it's my body and I am not ready yet." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, South Carolina, U.S. “The timing of the pandemic really shook things up for us and set our family planning back. We're not ready to give up our social life in a new-ish city. We're not ready to stop traveling. Personally, I'm not ready to check out of my career that I just started. 2020 was the year we were supposed to be doing all of the final things we wanted before settling down and having a baby, but we haven't been able to do anything. We feel completely robbed from our pre-pandemic lives. I know we're not the only ones feeling this way.” Read more.
Nov 19 Nov 19 "I wasn't 100% comfortable with any of this, but I also wasn't 100% comfortable on having a second child either. " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Oregon, U.S. “One other thing I learned out of this is that I want my daughter to be open with me about her choices and decisions in her life. One day she will be a teenager, and I want to be a mother that can talk with my daughter about sex and birth control and abortion and I want her to not hesitate on asking me for help if she needs it. This second abortion has made me look at my daughter in an entirely different way, and I know that I am going to have a stronger bond because of it.” Read more.
Nov 10 Nov 10 "His response when I told him I was pregnant was, 'Shall I push you down the stairs?' " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Unknown “I will forever be grateful that I was able to access free, safe abortions in my hometown with no judgment from anyone along the way. I am 21 now, and preparing to travel for the foreseeable future. I hope one day to be happy about a pregnancy, but for now, I am happy being childless, thanks to abortion.” Read more.
Nov 5 Nov 5 "We wanted them to be born, but it could not be." ~ "Queríamos que nacieran, pero no pudo ser." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Guatemala, Spanish/English, Illegal, Later Abortions “It was the economic factor. I was living with my parents and I didn't have a job. Even though abortion goes against the religion that we profess, little by little we both assimilated it. We both mourned our two angels. I can say that the most important thing is to respect each other, among women, and to know that we are in different conditions, with different social pressures. We should have no judging of each other.” Read more.“Fue el factor económico. Vivía con mis padres y no tenía trabajo. Aunque el aborto va en contra de la religión que profesamos, poco a poco ambos la asimilamos. Ambos lloramos a nuestros dos ángeles. Puedo decir que lo más importante es respetarnos entre las mujeres y saber que estamos en diferentes condiciones, con diferentes presiones sociales. No deberíamos juzgarnos unos a otros ". Lee mas.
Oct 30 Oct 30 "I wouldn't be able to give a good life to a little one as I'm already struggling myself." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Finland “I have only told my partner and my sister. They're supportive, but my partner was embarrassed since he feels like it's his fault I have to go through this again. Yes, this has happened before.” Read more.
Oct 24 Oct 24 "We knew we wanted to have another child, but not so soon." ~ "Sabíamos que queríamos tener otro hijo, pero no tan pronto". Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Ecuador, Spanish/English “The contexts of my abortions were very different. In the first, I was younger and had a partner of a few months who was about to move to another country. At that moment I was totally clear that I would not be a mother. It didn't take me a minute to make the decision and I didn't consult him, I just let him know. I asked him to come with me.” Read more.“Los contextos de mis AbortoS fueron muy distintos. En el primero era más joven y tenía una pareja de pocos meses que estaba a punto de irse a vivir a otro país. En ese momento yo tenía total claridad de que no sería mamá. No tardé ni un minuto en tomar la decisión y no lo consulté con él, solo se lo comuniqué. Le pedí que me acompañe.” Lee mas.
Oct 23 Oct 23 "It was the gift of abortion that helped us plan our family." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Oklahoma, U.S., Men's Experiences, Partner Experience “Love and kindness to all the women who have had an abortion or will have an abortion. I am a 38 year old male, and I have been married for 16 years now to a lovely woman, and we ourselves have chosen abortion on two different occasions.” Read more.
Oct 22 Oct 22 "These stories gave me the courage on doing what I know is the best choice." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Oregon, U.S. “I primarily had my daughter because I could not fathom the idea of having a second abortion, and I don't in any way regret having her, but I felt like I was trapped when I was pregnant for that second time. So here I am, age 23, and as of right now I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. My THIRD pregnancy, and I am BEYOND FREAKED about having a SECOND child.” Read more.
Oct 16 Oct 16 "I've made peace with what I have gone through." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “We had sex one time in September. That was when it happened. The day I told him, he told me he just found out he had cancer. I was losing mobility in my legs due to a genetic condition. I wanted to keep it but I emotionally, physically, financially could not do it alone. I thought he would always be there. We had a 7 year friendship before hand. Guess I was wrong.” Read more.
Oct 16 Oct 16 "These abortions I had, I felt them differently, the shame, stigma, and other related issues." Sharing Truth Five Abortions, Uganda, Unsafe Abortions “This took me a long time, like 41 years, to talk about my abortion experiences, even when I was advising other women to speak up and support other people who have had abortions to chase away the shame, fear and stigma. But then I joined inroads and started gaining support, power, and courage to start sharing my abortions stories. I am now a shame and stigma free person and am doing my abortion stigma busting work in my country Uganda very well and incredibly.” Read more.
Oct 15 Oct 15 Podcast ~ "Being entangled with this person forever was not what I wanted." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Florida, North Carolina, U.S., Audio “He said he had two previous partners that he went through abortions with. So it was emotional for him as well. I found that challenging. We spoke a lot and it was messy. He had a temper and I don’t have patience for men who have tempers. I found myself shutting down. “ Listen.
Oct 15 Oct 15 "I chose to heal myself instead of raise children with a broken parent." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Unknown “Each time I know I made the right decision and I’ve never regretted it.” Read more.
Oct 14 Oct 14 "I am so glad I was able to choose instead of being forced into motherhood by circumstance." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “Being a single parent has been sometimes unbearably hard, because we live in a society that chastises women for ending pregnancies but then does not support mothers at all. I struggle at every step to find decent education for my twins, to find healthy food, to find housing or childcare, to find Healthcare and to afford our meals.” Read more.