Oct 8 Oct 8 "I have never written about my abortions before." ~ Journalist Mona Eltahawy Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Egypt, U.S. “Why couldn’t I, Mona Eltahawy, a woman born in Egypt to a Muslim family, write an essay under my own name, in which I say openly and without shame that I have had two abortions, that I am glad I had those two abortions and that had I become pregnant again I would have had another abortion because I did not want to have children? Why have I been able to risk my safety and my life by writing articles about a military-backed regime but I could not write about my abortions?” Read more.
Oct 5 Oct 5 "I would’ve tried anything to terminate them on my own." Sharing Truth Four-plus Abortions, U.S., Multiple Abortions “As someone who cannot take birth control & almost died from an IUD implantation, the 4+ abortions were after I had both of my children. I can’t express how much relief I had felt that I had the options available when I needed them and I honestly don’t know if I would still be here today without them.” Read more.
Oct 1 Oct 1 "It was what I had to do. It really wasn't that traumatic." ~ "Era lo que tenia que hacer. Realmente no fue tan traumática." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Dominican Republic, In Spanish & English “I was only 4.5 weeks along, but I had already been able to see the gestational sac. I was very anxious precisely because of the illegal situation in the country where I live (DR) and I was afraid that something would happen to me and everyone would find out and of course a complication. This is my third abortion, my second with misoprostol.” “Tenía solo 4.5 semanas, pero ya había podido ver el saco gestacional. Estuve muy ansiosa precisamente por la situación de ilegalidad en el país donde vivo (RD) y tenía miedo que algo me pasara y todos se enteraran y por supuesto una complicación. Es mi tercer aborto, el segundo con misoprostol.” Lee mas.
Sep 25 Sep 25 "I’m trying to let go of a bit of the guilt I feel from this being my second procedure." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “I found out I was pregnant about 2.5 weeks ago. I had a complete meltdown and was conflicted on what I wanted to do. For a while I was 50/50 — primarily because I felt guilt because if I decided to terminate this would be my second termination, and I felt so much guilt/shame over that. My last termination was a very long time ago, 10 years or so and I was super young and didn’t think twice about terminating.” Read more.
Sep 16 Sep 16 "I’m so glad I trusted my brain, my body and my heart." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Oregon, U.S. “I found out I was pregnant again when she was 7 months old and knew I wasn’t ready for another baby. It felt so selfish to give my daughter a sibling so young. I just want her to grow up and be the main focus for a while. I ordered the abortion pills and tried to prepare myself while waiting for them to arrive. Once they arrived I was so scared and just bawled my eyes out thinking about how terrible of a person I was to be doing this.” Read more.
Sep 12 Sep 12 "This allowed me to look at abortion as a blessing for me, a chance to break many generational traumas." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “At 15 I got pregnant. I did not want to carry the stereotype that most Latina women have of having children very young. At 22 I got pregnant for the second time. With no full time job and being a first-year masters student, I knew that having a baby was not in the plans. I thought I was supposed to feel guilty –otherwise I feared being perceived as a bad person if I felt relieved from having an abortion.” Read more.
Sep 8 Sep 8 "I started crying as I didn’t want to be pregnant and I told them I wanted to end it in any possible way. " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Palestine “Because of the health risks of this pregnancy, I was able to reach a doctor who was able to help me with information about pills that ended the pregnancy. I was then referred to the government hospital to get a sterilization operation. It took an entire year to get a date for the operation but when it came to the day, the anaesthetist refused to treat me.” Read more.
Sep 5 Sep 5 Podcast ~ "As a 16-year-old I kept hoping it would just go away." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, New Jersey, New York, Audio Listen to this episode of the Abortion Diary to hear what it was like to get an abortion before Roe v. Wade legalized the procedure in 1973. Judi M. tells of getting pregnant after a rape at 16 and then going to an apartment for an illegal abortion. Her frightening experience led her into a career in reproductive health. Her descriptions of anti-abortion protesters reveal how little has changed since her 2nd abortion in 1978. Listen.
Aug 31 Aug 31 "I regret not having that abortion." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Missouri, U.S. “Choosing to end my third pregnancy was challenging, probably more emotional than the first, but I had no doubts that I was doing the right thing. I wasn't on that roller coast of emotions for this abortion, and it comes down to me already having an abortion and me having a busier life. I was at a baby shower for a friend of mine a week after and I had no problems looking at her and no problems talking about babies. I knew that day that I was never going to regret the choice I made.” Read more.
Aug 31 Aug 31 "You'd think being so 'pro-life' he would be anti-abortion for me, too. Nope." Sharing Truth Seven Abortions, U.K. Content warning. Child sexual abuse. “My stepfather is a ‘pro life’ advocate, petitioning outside of clinics, supporting anti choice politicians and going to the march for life. But, when I was 11 he got me pregnant for the first time.” Read more.
Aug 25 Aug 25 "I was seriously depressed realizing that this man wasn’t into actually committing to me or having a family." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “I left that person because he’d lied to me and didn’t want what I wanted in life. I’ve never regretted my decision as I was a hurt, lost person at that point in my life. And I watched my sister, who was a teen parent, struggle and fail. I never wanted that hard a life, especially for any child of mine.” Read more.
Aug 21 Aug 21 "I had no opportunity other than if I kept my baby I would be homeless." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.K. “I felt so happy and proud to be pregnant, even though throughout my time with my boyfriend I did have doubts about my relationship with him. He would do things regularly to upset me and there was things that would get on my nerves that he’d do, but I just accepted that I was pregnant and this would be the man I’d be with whether I’m certain about him or not.” Read more.
Aug 19 Aug 19 "Things are going to be so much easier now that we don't have to take care of a fourth child." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Ohio, U.S. “My first abortion was when I was 20 years old. That abortion gave me a college degree, a career, a place to live, a wonderful husband, and three beautiful children. My second abortion was last week. I'm 33 years old, I love the life I live, and I didn't want to start over. What I do regret, and what I probably always will regret, is not telling my husband. I never told him about my first one, and my husband is on the edge of ‘pro-life’ and I knew he would say no to this.” Read more.
Aug 14 Aug 14 "I was so blinded by the love I had for him that I couldn’t see he didn’t love me or that I deserved better." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I was pro-choice, but if I was to ever get pregnant I told myself I’d always keep it. However, it’s easier said than done, especially when I know in my heart I can’t give my baby the life it deserves. I ended up terminating the second baby as well and I made a promise with myself that I’d never make any promises.” Read more.
Aug 4 Aug 4 "Our relationship was bad, he was financially and otherwise irresponsible, and I felt I was too old to have a baby." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Slovenia “He wanted the child no matter what; he said it is his right. And yes, we did not use protection; he 'put it out'. He tried to cheat me several times by not putting it out. Yet, I still could not get away. I was addicted to his caressing; he could be so gentle with me, I wanted to believe he loved me. Until he one day did it again. I felt so cheated. A few days after, a neighbor told me he saw him kissing another neighbor. I was in a state of shock.” Read more.
Aug 1 Aug 1 "When I was 14 years old, my mom told me about her three abortions." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, One Abortion, Michigan, U.S. “It was almost 8 months ago when I told my mom I was pregnant, and it was February 7, 2021 when I decided on terminating it with a surgical abortion. It was still a tough choice, but the beauty in all of this was having a mom who not only told me about her choices, but who also supported me with whatever choice I made.” Read more.
Jul 27 Jul 27 "I am proud of choosing not to have a child when it would have been wrong for everyone." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Not Given “I'm not only peaceful with my decisions but in fact I'm proud of them. Both times, it was the best thing for all concerned. I have no negative feelings about it whatsoever. No woman should be forced to do anything with her body that she doesn't choose and I'm grateful that I wasn't put through that.” Read more.
Jul 24 Jul 24 "If you have goals and dreams, remember that you have the power to decide." ~ "Si tienes metas o sueños, recuerda que tienes el poder de decidir". Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Ecuador, Illegal, In Spanish & English “This was my second abortion. Unlike the first, my heart is sad because I do not doubt my partner, how much we love each other, but precisely for that reason we decided to postpone our paternity and fulfill the goals we have and the dreams in which we are still only two :)” Read more.“Este fue mi segundo aborto. A diferencia del primero, mi corazón está triste porque no dudo de mi pareja, de lo mucho que nos amamos, pero precisamente por eso decidimos posponer nuestra paternidad y cumplir las metas que tenemos y los sueños en los que aún somos solo dos. :)" Lee mas.
Jul 20 Jul 20 "I was a mom and didn't want more kids." Sharing Truth Five Abortions, Location Not Given “I felt most guilty right before the 2nd abortion. I felt like, everyone gets ONE mistake, you know? This, despite the fact that I had struggled with serious postpartum depression and had an extremely long list of reasons why another child at that point in my life would have been a terrible choice, despite the fact that I am a running joke of failed birth control methods and could have found plenty of ‘not my fault’ excuses.” Read more.
Jul 16 Jul 16 "I hope sharing this story can help anyone who has felt shamed by a medical professional." Sharing Truth Five Abortions, Location Not Given “She didn’t know me or any of my stories. She didn’t even care to ask. I trusted her enough to let her touch me in this time that was difficult for me, and she judged me and humiliated me. It took me years to realize that this was not okay.” Read more.