Mar 21 Mar 21 "Truth is if I could go back in time I would have chosen the abortion." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Not Given “I got knocked up in high school my senior year and my parents forced me to keep her. They didn't give me an option for abortion and when I brought up adoption they said I was a terrible mother. I was 19 years old when I had her. My mother had to quit her job and raise her grandchild because I wouldn't. I didn't want to. I don't love her like I should. Love her like a mother should love a daughter. We never got close. I resent her. I hate her father.” Read more.
Mar 9 Mar 9 "I would have five children right now and would have to live off government aid." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “Should I have kept the child with the man who, unprovoked, questioned paternity? Or the one who abandoned me when I was ten weeks along? Or how about with the one who went off the deep end into QAnon conspiracies? I felt fed up with men, relieved I could continue with my life.” Read more.
Mar 1 Mar 1 "Fast forward another 2 weeks and I am now pregnant again, immediately after an abortion." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, North of Ireland “I was absolutely devastated! Initially I felt so ashamed, so stupid and selfish that I could allow this to happen twice in concession. But then I had a strong word with myself . . . I was a woman seeking intimacy with a man also seeking intimacy, there's no shame in that. Unfortunately our chosen method of contraception failed to protect us from falling pregnant.” Read more.
Feb 23 Feb 23 "Enduring those hardships was in itself truly hellish, and I try to remember that I deserve to move on and experience happiness and peace." Sharing Truth Six Abortions, Texas, U.S. “He was possessive and supported my addictions, and often he would have sex with me against my will and in humiliating ways. My boss also sexually abused me. I became pregnant four times while I was with my ex, on birth control two of the four times. He enjoyed knowing I was pregnant and felt that this made me in some way more his.” Read more.
Feb 23 Feb 23 "I absolutely can not and will not bring a child into total chaos." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Not Given “I'm pregnant again about to schedule my third. I do have a daughter but I am going through a divorce from a mentally unstable man. I'm pregnant by the love of my life and I currently do not have a place to stay.” Read more.
Feb 16 Feb 16 "It was this situation that showed me how important it was to me to be in a safe and loving relationship before bringing a baby into the world." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Scotland “I felt immense pressure to continue the pregnancy even though it terrified me in every sense. The feeling of utter dread and fear stopped me from leaving the house for 2 weeks. I knew then that the decision had to be made. And it had to be made by me for me, no one else.” Read more.
Feb 13 Feb 13 "I am here to share my grandmothers’ — yes, both — of their abortion stories." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, One Abortion, Locations not given “Neither one of my grandmas were traumatized in any way, and neither one of them had a worse life because of it. In fact, their lives are better. Two separate women, separate lives and families. I would not be here today without those abortions, and I’m grateful they both felt safe to tell me and others their stories.” Read more.
Feb 8 Feb 8 "I didn't have the tools to navigate these situations due to my upbringing in a culture that didn't talk about sex or womb trauma." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, California “It was when I was seeking my third abortion that I realized I needed real, deep healing around the relationship choices I was making and what they cost my body, as well as some generational trauma I was carrying. My mom was forced to give up her firstborn. She was an immigrant from Peru, experiencing domestic violence, and she gave birth at a Catholic hospital where they didn't speak Spanish. They highly encouraged her to give up her child, which I feel is more coercion when you don't know the language. It's a secret she kept for 31 years, so there's womb trauma on my mom's side.” Read more.
Jan 27 Jan 27 "I was in my mid forties, divorced and dating someone who convinced me we could never get pregnant as we were too old." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Florida “The last one was over 10 years ago. I’m now almost 60. I’ve had a lot of guilt lately about this all and making the same mistake again and again. I know I did the right thing as the first one made having my beautiful children possible and the last two prevented our lives from being so much more difficult then they already were. Even when I tried to have my first child, the baby died (my miscarriage) so it obviously wasn’t meant to be, just like my other pregnancies that I had to terminate.” Read more.
Jan 21 Jan 21 "I’d do it again if I had to because it’s what's best for me at this time in my life." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Pennsylvania “I am devastated but I feel in my gut that I made the right choice for ME. I am not financially stable and I want so much more for myself with my career.” Read more.
Jan 21 Jan 21 "I just need to know if someone else out there had a similar experience and if I’m not wrong for considering another abortion.” Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Multiple Abortions, Many different locations This person’s call for help was posted on the Instagram account of Shout Your Abortion. What happened next was a huge flood of supportive comments filled with stories of others who have ended their pregnancies. More than 40 people responded with words of care and support. Read more.
Jan 14 Jan 14 "I have a feeling that we will break up and I don't wanna be a single parent again." Sharing Truth Five Abortions, South Africa “Last year I had a 4th pregnancy — the guy I was dating was abusive and he told me to terminate it and he even blocked me, so I had an abortion. This year I am dating this guy, he is nice. He is happy about me being pregnant, but I am not where I wanna be in life.” Read more.
Jan 9 Jan 9 "The positive part to choosing abortion is that it gave me a wonderful life." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, California “My marriage and my children never would have existed if it wasn't for that first abortion. The reason why I had a second abortion is because I was taking care of a baby who wasn't even 1 year old. My third abortion was because I was taking care of three children and I knew I couldn't handle another. I don't regret any of my decisions.” Read more.
Dec 15 Dec 15 "To the woman that I judged in high school for having 2 abortions, I am so sorry." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Texas, U.S. “Not once did I entertain having a baby. Sometimes I think about how old they would be now, but not much more. Those 3 abortions were not difficult decisions for me. I have also yet to encounter someone that doesn’t sit with me while I open up and talk about it. To anyone feeling alone, like I did during my first abortion, you are not! You have thousands of people in your corner.” Read more.
Dec 9 Dec 9 "I will never regret my abortions because they made me a better mother." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Location Not Given “My parents didn’t teach me how to be responsible, so I knew there was no way I could take care of a child, until I was ready. Some days I think of what my child(ren) would’ve looked like and how messed up our situation would’ve been had I gone through with the pregnancies. Coming from a broken and dysfunctional family, I never wanted that for my child(ren). “ Read more.
Nov 20 Nov 20 "My clock is ticking at 36, but I would still rather have a child with someone I love and want to be with." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, U.S. “The first one, I was 20 and had a one night stand. I wanted to keep it and was set to, but the guy was set on convincing me otherwise. The winning line was, "Don't you want to have a child with someone you love or at least know?’ “ Read more.
Nov 14 Nov 14 "I couldn't imagine myself AND innocent lives being attached to my ex." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Minnesota, U.S. “I knew I made the right decision immediately, but that didn't make his comments less hurtful or mean I didn't stay up all night thinking about the words he'd called me. I'm so happy I stood up for myself and did what I needed regardless of the manipulation tactics he'd attempted.” Read more.
Nov 7 Nov 7 "My abortions saved me." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Texas, U.S. “He routinely told me he wanted to get me pregnant and that he couldn’t wait until we could have a baby. And one day it happened, my period was late and I took a pregnancy test and it confirmed my fears. I was pregnant. I told my boyfriend at the time and he blew up at me. Incredibly angry and volatile, telling me he couldn’t have a baby right now.” Read more.
Oct 26 Oct 26 "I don't feel ready for a baby." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “My first abortion I was 21 and had to do it cause my ex was so abusive. My second I was 24 and I had to do it cause I was in college and the guy couldn't afford to take care of me and the baby.” Read more.
Oct 22 Oct 22 "I do not regret my choices, even though I don't talk about them much." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Washington “I'm so grateful for every person who has shared their story - it's given me courage to do the same!” Read more.