All tagged Reproductive Coercion

“He wanted the child no matter what; he said it is his right. And yes, we did not use protection; he 'put it out'. He tried to cheat me several times by not putting it out. Yet, I still could not get away. I was addicted to his caressing; he could be so gentle with me, I wanted to believe he loved me. Until he one day did it again. I felt so cheated. A few days after, a neighbor told me he saw him kissing another neighbor. I was in a state of shock.” Read more.

“I do not regret it. I will be eternally and wrongly judged a slut and murderer in my country, however the guy who raped me is out there raping others. With my second abortion, I never took a pregnancy test, I just aborted without having proof that I was and I don't care, I don't care. It’s love for myself, and my neighbor. I will not bring children to suffer in this dire world.” Read more.

“Cuando mi hija tenía 2 años, volví a quedar embarazada. Le dije a mi madre de inmediato. Mi madre me ayudó. Así que todo volvió a la normalidad. Sentí un gran alivio. Pasaron unos años y en 2016 volví a enfrentarme a esta situación con mi actual novio. Había cambiado el anticonceptivo y el otro todavía no estaba funcionando, creo. Para mí fue el mismo sentimiento de hace cuatro años. Me asusté por completo, pensando Dios mío, mi universidad, mis planes, mi situación financiera en esta crisis. No perdí el tiempo ". Lee mas.