“We were super broke, there wasn’t even enough money to go to the cinema. There were also complications in my previous pregnancies and my life was at risk. But still, that’s not why I had the abortions. I had them because I didn’t want to have another baby.” Read more.

“A gente estava super apertado, sem grana suficiente nem pra ir ao cinema, não tinha mesmo! As minhas gravidezes também foram complicadas, eu corria risco de vida. Mesmo assim, não foi por isso que eu fiz os abortos. Eu fiz, porque eu não queria ter outro filho!” Continue lendo.

“I had my first abortion at the doctor's office. Basically I don't remember anything. What was left in my head was that I was bleeding a lot. There was no pain, no fear. My second abortion, when it comes to pharmaceuticals, I was terribly afraid! There are no words to describe it. I was left alone with this. The partner paid for the tablets and fell silent.” Read more.

„Miałam pierwszą aborcję w gabinecie lekarskim. W zasadzie nic nie pamiętam. W mojej głowie pozostało to, że dużo krwawiłem. Nie było bólu ani strachu. Moja druga aborcja, jeśli chodzi o farmaceutyki, strasznie się bałam! Nie ma słów, żeby to opisać. Zostałem z tym sam. Partner zapłacił za tabletki i zamilkł”. Czytaj więcej.

“My previous abortion helped me prepare better this time around, and it was a pleasant experience. I had a fantastic obstetrician supporting my decision. I hired an abortion doula and tasked my husband with caring for our daughter. My daughter was in the room while I had an abortion, playing with my husband and her toys. I was in a tub of warm water, watching Grey’s Anatomy and eating a sandwich through the pain while my doula supported me emotionally and physically.” Read more.

“An abortion means that you let go of possible future. Even when I was very sure about the decision and relieved after the operation, there was also sadness and mourning about it. The sadness about not being able to enjoy this other future, too!” Read. more.

“I have suffered from panic disorder, general anxiety and OCD from a very young age. In my early thirties I was also diagnosed with depression. I’ve used antidepressants since the age of 20. When we started to try to get pregnant, I lowered my dose of antidepressants to a minimum. In retrospect it was a mistake. One evening I was crying on our couch because I was so depressed and anxious about what our future would look like with a baby. I was really struggling to keep my mind even somewhat normal. My boyfriend then said to me: “You know we still have time to decide if we want to terminate the pregnancy. You are more important than anything and you are the light of my life.” Read more.