Mar 27 Mar 27 "A whole lot of love goes into whatever you decide." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Utah, U.S. “The Friday before I sent a text about how I felt guilty, but I also would want my child to be able to have a relationship with the father. He finally responded that,it was my choice, but he would suggest abortion, as he never saw himself having a child with someone he didn’t love fully. This gave me some sort of clarity, and I knew how difficult life would be for the child moving forward.” Read more.
Mar 20 Mar 20 "I was very sure of what I was doing." ~ "Estaba muy segura de lo que estaba haciendo." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Paraguay, Spanish/English “I didn't have any trauma, I bought the pills. And I did it. I found out I was pregnant within a few weeks, when I started having symptoms. I was afraid. My partner is younger than me and I had no way out. I have done it before. Previously I did it because I was alone and I was not prepared. This time it was out of fear, because I have a family that depends on me financially speaking.” Read more.“No tuve ningún trauma, compré las pastillas. Y lo hice. Descubrí que estaba embarazada a las pocas semanas, cuando comencé a tener síntomas. Tenía miedo. Mi pareja es más joven que yo y no tenía salida. Lo he hecho antes. Anteriormente lo hacía porque estaba solo y no estaba preparado. Esta vez fue por miedo, porque tengo una familia que depende de mí económicamente hablando ”. Leer más.
Mar 13 Mar 13 "Friends and family know I had a baby when I was 24, but they don't know about my three other pregnancies." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Colorado, U.S. “Should I be punished for my choices in life? Why do the ‘pro-life’ groups believe that I should be taking care of 4 children with tax payer support?!?!? I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE what my life would be like if I was taking care of 4 KIDS!!! I can promise you that I would have MANY PEOPLE looking at me saying I was an insane mother for having 4 kids.” Read more.
Mar 8 Mar 8 "I know that these experiences will make me stronger and more prepared for when I have a child at the time I choose. " Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Mexico “In the entire country there are only two states where you can get an abortion, and I did not live in either state. Our only option to get an abortion was to fly to another state and do the procedure there. I felt sad for the women in this country who aren't able to go to another state like I was and are forced to have a baby due to circumstance.” Read more.
Mar 7 Mar 7 "Trust your brain and your heart that they will collaborate." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Two Abortions, Netherlands, Audio In this brief segment of her abortion story, Monika shares about meeting two people in the clinic waiting room who calmed her nerves by sharing that they each had experienced more than one abortion. “This was very pleasant for me to be surrounded by these very strong women who trusted their bodies and showed me the normality of abortion. They obviously were way more mature and way more experienced and comfortable in their own bodies, so I was happy to see that as an example to follow.” Read more and listen.
Mar 5 Mar 5 "Shamed into silence, my mom couldn't tell me about her abortions -- until I needed one." Sharing Truth Multiple Abortions, Location Unknown “My mom wanted to have a baby on her terms. She didn't want to doom herself and her children to poverty and deprivation, so she waited to have children. Her body kept trying to change the schedule. So she terminated the pregnancies. She made this decision, evaluating her position and capabilities each time, on a number of occasions, which is nobody's business but her own. When she was ready, she had my brother and me.” Read more.
Mar 2 Mar 2 "Two girlfriends, two abortions." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Men's Experiences, Location Unknown, Partner Experience “I was 18 and 22, at the beginning and in the middle of my drug addiction and unfit to be a parent.” Read more.
Feb 27 Feb 27 "I'm very honest about having had multiple abortions and about regretting one." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Illinois, U.S. “It's complicated for me to talk about abortion. I'm fiercely pro choice but I've also had one abortion I regret. That’s difficult for a lot of people to understand. I feel adamant that the nuances and contradictions and gray areas surrounding abortion need to be discussed. I deserve to be pro abortion and also sometimes regretful. My whole story is worthy, even if it confuses people. Maybe especially because it does.” Read more.
Feb 20 Feb 20 "They are decisions that you make according to the situation you live in that moment." ~ "Son desiciones que una toma de acuerdo a la situacion que vive en ese momento." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, Cuba, U.S., In Spanish & English “In Cuba, abortion is something natural, so to speak. It is free and all have access. My first abortion was at 16. I was studying and I got very sick with dizziness and other symptoms that were horrible. I had a relationship with a fool and my family decided that I should have an abortion and it was not my decision. Then at 21 I had my son. The most precious gift that God has given me.” Read more.“En Cuba, el aborto es algo natural, por así decirlo. Es gratis y todos tienen acceso. Mi primer aborto fue a los 16 años. Estaba estudiando y me enfermé mucho con mareos y otros síntomas que eran horribles. Tuve una relación con un tonto y mi familia decidió que debía abortar y no fue mi decisión. Luego, a los 21 tuve a mi hijo. El regalo más precioso que Dios me ha dado ". Leer más."
Feb 17 Feb 17 "I was fearful of being an absentee father." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Men's Experiences, Location Unknown, Partner Experience “Now I find myself at the age of 28, wanting a child, but I don't feel right and I'm not sure if a guy is allowed to feel this burden especially when I had the opportunity to have two.” Read more.
Feb 11 Feb 11 Video ~ "I knew my future would be limitless because I had the abortion care I needed when I needed it." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, California, U.S. Watch and listen as Erin describes how her abortions allowed her to get an education, land her dream job, and thrive in a career of helping others. Her abortions also let her fulfill one of her deepest values as an immigrant. “I feel this it’s my honor but also my duty to build a life where I can give back,” she says.Watch and listen.
Feb 9 Feb 9 "I have learned that I can stick to my decisions even if people around me frown upon my life choices." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Location Unknown, Illegal “I felt lost and scared. I didn’t want to keep the child, but lived in a country where abortion was illegal. I had already had a very painful and difficult abortion a few years ago, and was afraid of having to go through the same process again. I didn’t want to be a mother. My partner at the time didn’t want to become a father either, and we didn’t plan to have a future together.” Read more.
Feb 9 Feb 9 "I went on to have two beautiful daughters and I am a great mom." Sharing Truth Four Abortions, U.S. “I did the pill abortion 4 different times. Not much pain, just period cramps and bleeding. I’ve done it at 4 weeks up to 10 weeks. I am not ashamed or in regret.” Read more.
Jan 29 Jan 29 "I told him I was pregnant and he told me never to talk to him again and blocked me from all forms of communication." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “That abortion I had absolutely no regret. I had just started a new career and knew I didn’t want to raise a baby alone, nor could I afford it yet. Almost 2 years later in 2020, I have been dating an amazing man. We accidentally got pregnant 4 months into dating. I was excited at first and then got cold feet and talked to him about wanting an abortion. He supported me and my decision and was so loving to me about it.” Read more.
Jan 26 Jan 26 "I wanted to keep my baby but life had other plans for me I guess." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Canada “About 2 years later, same relationship, I got pregnant again , same circumstances with the BC. At this point it was the beginning of the end of our relationship and I knew for sure this would not have helped the situation. I shared the news with him. Again, we agreed to have an abortion. I wasn't financially stable. I had just gone back to school and was borderline homeless.” Read more.
Jan 19 Jan 19 "The thought of being pregnant with someone who doesn't love me was unthinkable." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, U.S. “I use family planning to monitor my cycle but in December 2019 I didn't do it correctly and became pregnant. I had an abortion in January, which I was so thankful for because I could barely eat or function to take care of myself or my kids, then 1.5 and 3. Then in June I find out my husband is cheating on me. It destroyed me. I pushed him away but I also was so lonely and wished it wasn't true, so we had sex and I wasn't monitoring. I became pregnant again.” Read more.
Jan 17 Jan 17 "It's really sad to want something but the timing isn't right." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, South Africa “At first I really thought I was going to have the baby with or without him, but realising how hard it is to raise a child as a single parent, irrespective of the support of my family, as much as I wanted to keep this child, it was unrealistic of me to bring someone on earth to suffer just like I did without a father in the picture.” Read more.
Jan 13 Jan 13 "I was actually devastated when I found out I was pregnant for the second time." Sharing Truth Two Abortions, Nigeria, Illegal “To me, I actually felt that it was too soon to be having another abortion, and at some point I was scared something was going to go wrong in the process. It was awful, but just for a few hours. Fortunately for me the cramps and bleeding weren’t as high as the first one. I'd still choose this kind of abortion over surgical. Thanks to God and my boyfriend who stood by me.” Read more.
Jan 6 Jan 6 "These decisions are so personal, and so justified, no matter the reasons or circumstances." Sharing Truth Three Abortions, Location Unknown “Fast forward 3 years, my then boyfriend, now husband and I had been married for 3 months, and conceived our beautiful baby boy, planned, and we were ready to parent. When our son was 8 months old, I fell pregnant again. Not ready, physically, emotionally (postpartum depression hit hard) or financially, we decided the most responsible decision for our family was to terminate the pregnancy. This, unknowingly, would cause even more stress on an already stressed marriage.” Read more.
Dec 30 Dec 30 "I realize now that I am not alone, and I’m not a bad person, and I don’t need to let the decisions I made haunt me forever." Sharing Truth Five Abortions, Australia “We were together for 4 years from when I was 16 to 20. He paid for all the procedures and we never told anyone. I have trouble remembering, but the first one with him was when I was I think 16, and the last one was before I turned 19. I am 32 now and I have 3 kids — twins age 6 and a son age 2 with the same dad, who is a different guy from those I had the abortions with. I have been on my own now for three and a half years and have been doing my post grad studies.” Read more.